category: general [glöplog]
Can anyone tell me how to purchase Minttu in UK?
-what- is mintu ?
Liquid toothpaste with extra sugar and alcohol.
We already have a Minttu thread tho.
Answer: You cant, afaik, maybe you can get someone to special order it for you...
Btw, Minttu weekend - next weekend - at viking line.
Answer: You cant, afaik, maybe you can get someone to special order it for you...
Btw, Minttu weekend - next weekend - at viking line.
dom har slutat salja minttu pa systembolaget i arvika!!
and.. i couldnt find it on :/ doesn't promote drinks consisting more than 21% alcohol
stackars pecka haller pa att fa alkoholproblem
Why the hell wouldnt they promote more than the "weak" (finnish smartness) drinks?
hey ho stefan din hora jag har hittat minttu i frankrike fast annat namn och inte lika starkt men det ar lika javligt mintu
javligt gott faktiskt dom anvander det som en desarnubbe
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah viiiiiva
eftersom vi ar onyktra som satan pa en sondag sa tog det dar ungefar tio minuter att ordna hehehe viiiiva la get 27
oppps it was the cat on the keyboard i reallly promiis sorry
really action in this thread unf
flaskan paminner lite om en dildo men den ar god att dricka ur och om man ger den till den lilla franska flickan till hoger sa blir hon full och kat