Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
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Since we seem to have entered the spam zone -
This 1 has always got me. Why? Just to waste paper? & once you've written "This page has been left blank intentionally" bang in the centre of the page isn't the page NO LONGER BLANK?! I had to get to many of these after my mum died and it still irks me. Any legal eagles etc. who can explain to me why this appears at the end of many important documents?
Furry muff. Odds & evens I get but why @ the end of a legal document? Check anything from share docs, wills/probate, insurance to court docs. They all waste a page @ the end.
I'll tell you the way to ye ol'e clue shop, but you have to go it alone: Intentionally blank page
@Haohmaru: Scary.
Let's get to the thread again...
Let's get to the thread again...
Topic of today.
Let's go on with the news of tomorrow...
Oh noes, they is stealin' ma hed!
+1 Zardoz reference!
I think we need new seals on the freezer...
Australian's open
only meat and alcohol… that fits to you…
Gentle as usual
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Since 2009, they search a job !
only meat and alcohol… that fits to you…
It's a FREEZER cros - here in the antipodes we tend to keep our fresh food in a similar device called a refrigerator. Also - I don't know how you take your vodka or jaeger but I prefer mine cold & I have found this device performs an excellent job of keeping shit cold! ;P
WHAT??!!! was I thinking?