Name That Demo ... Make My Year 2004
category: general [glöplog]
Could it be "Medium" it has some medal moving parts with computer voice, Einklang is a professional VJ Crew.
thats a awesum demo mike forgots all abouts thats ones, it may be the one but I don't see any robots but dee said it been some time. rythmick beat is quite nice
"use a spellchecker"
pouet does not offer a spell checker, So piss off asshole
hostility is for fucking pussies, you idiot!
I will express myself the way I feel, So go shag your momma you slag
i forgive you, cause you are probably american.
"Shag" and "slag" are British slang, you shithead (to quote the American vernacular). But I'm forgiven.
listen you fucktart, it could be very 'hip' and 'mtv' to suddenly use british slang in america. So i forgive all of you! hurray!
pouet does not offer a spell checker
I'm sure your pirated copy of Word does, loverboy.
So piss off asshole
Is this slang or poor grammar?
KB is right up your alley So go get punked sissyboy with that weird fucker.
KB has Nothing to do with this post, Are you stoned are just stupid? Yes Shifter Poor Grammar.
European fucks
yeah!! EUROPEANS FUCK NICE WOMEN! whoot (no fat chicks, like in the USA)
europe is for gays you daft fucking hippie
hehehe.. sure mister americaman!!! stay in your america please and keep roling in your own poop ^__^
this ?
I'm not an american you fucking wally
okido USboy, whatever rocks your boat!!
this is like the lamest flamewar ever ;-)
bitch bitch bitch all you favortism european faggots
roll back into you fat polluted US of A and get off OUR european demo scene community website.
I am not from the US you judgmental bigot
we don't really care captain america.
anyone outside europe is bound to be captured by USA at some point, so we consider you as being a USAnian.