Anticapitalist revolution in iceland ?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
I've read some articles in french (here) about a pacific anticapitalist revolution in iceland the last monthes. No media would ... have ... spoke (engrish ?) about it because obviously nowadays no media relay an information that goes against capitalism. And even with google you can't find a bit of that...
So as I find that interesting for an international community, get ready for the babelfish carnage...
More news someone ?
So as I find that interesting for an international community, get ready for the babelfish carnage...
One day, a few months ago, an English passing by Paris, met [in a bookshop in paris], alerted us on the revolution in Iceland. Which revolution? We heard of it nowhere. A rapid seek on google gives nothing at all, today, neither by associating the word “revolution”, nor even “crisis”, where one finds only details on the financial crisis, indeed at the origin of this revolution, which took place in 2008, in this country of hardly more than 300.000 inhabitants, classified with the second world rank on the index of human development, the IDH, behind Norway, the days before this crisis, in 2006.
Confronted then with the brutal bankruptcy of the banking system, the people descended in the street. something never seen in the country of the warm water jeysers. The right wing had at once had to leave the place to the left. And, to begin, the banks had been nationalized. Our English advisor had heard of it about the legislative projects for total freedom for Internet, such as English sites thought of lodging himself there. Furthermore, he insisted to describe a true revolution, without being able to describe it more, but being astonished that no one ever heard about it.
Seeking then with obstinacy,we managed to find images of the presidential palace besieged by a crowd which one would qualify here without hesitating of anarchist-autonomous . In addition to the black flags, one could guess in crowd a strong component of citizenship of the ecologist type. And it was understood that the poor unhappy cop, all alone in front of the presidential palace, quickly had to go under the pressure of crowd. This one, nevertheless peaceful, used only of pans and other noisy objects, according to the Argentinian method of the cacerolazo, which knew to prove very paying also over there.
The president had left. A new government had been instituted. But, a few times later, this one had the bad idea to propose the refunding of the debt of the banks with respect to Denmark or the United Kingdom. The people again descended in the street. A referendum on the question was imposed by popular will, and a small majority of 93% rejected the agreement envisaged by nice controlling. Amongst some informations, this seizing image of the agora in the hot public baths, where the people are assembled every morning to discuss how to remake the world. To concretize this revolution, the election of a constituent Assembly, on November 27, 2010, event perhaps more considerable than the night of August 4, 1789 when the abolition of the privileges was voted,
Wonder of misinformation. An event as considerable as a true democratic revolution, such as never seen in Europe, can occur without the press, nor google, making it possible to know anything about it. It is sure that per hour of the undemocratic consolidation that live the majority of the European countries, the Icelandic example does not make really the deal of our police modes, which show still their aptitude there to lock the collective conscience rigorously.
More news someone ?
Well the revolutions are beginning. Why not also in Iceland? The more torn down the state, the higher the potential for an explosion.
Iceland?!? That still exists? I thought the UK and The Netherlands bought it and sold it for scrap.
once again, krabob's got it all figured out! (if you're willing to overlook the heaps of much more detailed reports about these events in "capitalist media" in the days after they took place, but hell, that's what you get for living in a cave in the south of france with only your amiga, copious amounts of intoxicating agents and a bunch of rats for the last decade or so)
"pacific revolution" that's almost "i am against picketing but i don't know how to show it!"-material
Pacific of Pascifistic?

No media would have spoke about it because obviously nowadays no media relay an information that goes against capitalism.
You're full of shit. Grow up or make a demo about it.
You know where conspiracy theories come from, right? Fear. A lack of control over your life, a lack of assertiveness. A conspiracy theory a power fantasy, it makes you feel special, unique, worth something. It makes everyone else look blind to you. It's like a religion.
What makes them most retarded is they assume that governments have the potential for total and absolute control. If you've ever tried to argue with a conspiracy theorist you'll know what I mean: the government's plan was flawless but they didn't expect captain conspiracy and his ineffable powers of conjecture and selection bias. Of all the people on Earth nobody gives government as much credit as the conspiracy theorist, and for that reason they are not to be trusted.
pssst. nordic conspiracy.
N'uff said.
N'uff said.
i havent even read the story, i know nothing about the issue but i can tell you there will be no rebellion. and if there was, it would be arranged and orchestrated by the puppeteers as an agent of change - to push forward some social change or another. the masses do not have the spirit left within to demand anything for their own genuine good. they are all idiots.
i havent even read your reply, but i can tell you its bullshit
Some stranger walks up to another stranger in some bookshop. And people wonder why this cannot be verified from credible sources?
What's a bookshop?
I bet China hate capitalism atm.
I bet Iran lurves book shops atm.
conspiracy bla bla you're full of shit
I never spoke of conspiracy and I see nothing about media conspiracy in this subject, you dumbass. If there's no information around about it, it's because no media "has interest" to speak about it, so they don't. They select only journalists that don't care about social informations, and it goes on like that. They do that by themselves, no need for a conspiracy. Read some sociology or chomsky books, these social mecanisms are known for long. I didn't thing I had to explain that explicitly to morons.
... Why not also in Iceland? ... Iceland?!? That still exists? ... i havent even read the story, i know nothing about the issue but i can tell you ...
...and furthermore,by reading previous posts, I can only but ascertain for sure that you all, was effectively misinformed about the subject, and unable to tell what actually happened in iceland in the past month.
If you're willing to overlook the heaps of much more detailed reports about these events...
Oh ? heaps of Links please... I would be happy to check that.
No media would have spoke about it because obviously nowadays no media relay an information that goes against capitalism.
You're full of shit. Grow up or make a demo about it.
You know he is right, The only mainstream media sources that kept me up to date with the situation on iceland was SVT (swedish goverment television), ETC (Swedish left-wing weekly news) and BBC. The mainstream non-left/goverment medias has talked very little to nothing about it. But the reason of this articles conspiricytalk, stating that no medias at all have been talking about the situation in iceland, is simply because its french. French medias talk very little about anything that doesnt regard france or its ex-colonies and internationall news in france is often missinterpretaded and/or very bad. Hence the authors opinion that "OMFG ITZ A CONSPIRICY!!"
Let's talk about demos and shiny glenz vectors instead of politics :(
No lets talk about the wounders of french television!
DId you know, in france there is no law that says that you cannot say Fuck on TV, but recently they have started to "bleep" all curses, why, because the americans do!
BBC isn't mainstream enough for you? Aren't you a little too hard to please?
Someone needs to learn how to differentiate between capitalism and bailouts.
BBC isn't mainstream enough for you? Aren't you a little too hard to please?
sry I was refering to mainstream as non-public service