
Demoscener DJ sets

category: music [glöplog]
We all know by know that many a demoscener is into making DJ sets.. coders, musicians hell probably even graphicians. For me playing vinyls on the SLs has been a 14-year spanning hobby by now and I'd like to share stuff, also with other sceners (though making a DJ mix is considerably easier than coding an actual demo.. given my last release was 2003..). Anyway, instead of all these separate threads, let's gather them all here and I hope to get some great links. For one, Ronny's sets!

If you supply, please: track list and downloadable link! I'll kick off with my latest mix..
added on the 2011-01-18 20:10:40 by superplek superplek

http://www.suckerclub.nl/space_operator … (2011).mp3

1. westpark unit - bad weeds grow tall
2. elitechnique - spectral escape
3. freak electrique - cloud surfer
4. luke eargoggle - the mechanik priest (bronson quest e.p)
5. alan braxe & fred falke - love lost
6. omar s - day (fxhe 004)
7. daft punk - rock'n roll
8. the immortals - the ultimate warlord (remix)

note: I used to be a big Italo-head but recently I've been reverting a bit to housey/minimal/Detroit stuff. But I just can't stick to one style.

Also, if you know any good sets by other people: please post! I'll post some 80s WBMX/WCGI mixes by the Hotmix 5 soon.

added on the 2011-01-18 20:12:05 by superplek superplek
plek, nice idea!

here ya go with my latest:

http://soundcloud.com/dipswitch/bleep-wob-v0-1 - download link is there too.

1. lxc - lyzwerk (spb7020)
2. producer snafu - bowser's cock (auto034)
3. cheapshot - rick d@ngerous (amnep021)
4. dalezy - plattenbauknecht (dipswitch rmx) (unreleased)
5. kraettz - like a hoe (unreleased)
6. byzanite - washout (unreleased)
7. kode9 - 9 samurai (quarta330 rmx) (hdb007)
8. ???? - 9999 (metrodub)
9. cheapshot - whoopz (metrodub)
10. uoki-toki - circadian rhythms (unreleased)
11. mushi music - sinesis (metrodub)
12. lukas nystrand - countrybridge dub (ageema blues)

chip / dub / *step

note: this is my first set done with a digital vinyl system - before that been vinyl only all the way. still going on with vinyl, but a dvs has the advantage of being able to play digital-only/exclusive/own stuff without getting it cut (which i have done several times before).

added on the 2011-01-18 21:58:35 by dipswitch dipswitch
and for whom this was way too chippy:


small vinyl mix to celebrate the album release of a friend.

1. marc ashken - roots dyed brown (skream rmx)
2. desmond denker - no trouble before the dance
3. marc ashken - size 3 (skream rmx)
4. tannhäuser sterben & dastod - plätschern (dnkr dub)
5. istari lasterfahrer - inner imigration
6. desmond denker - raised for drowning
7. potentz - mission riddim
8. dipswitch - riddim macka
added on the 2011-01-18 22:18:56 by dipswitch dipswitch
Cool :) Will download after midnight when my internet goes uncapped.

Ronny Pries heard from lately? :)
added on the 2011-01-18 22:42:11 by psonice psonice
this thumb down is for pleks horrible mixes BB Image

man you suck. crawl back into your cave
Ronny has some terrific mixes to share.

I'll share an oldie that is kinda famous in the ex-CBS (Cybernetic Broadcasting System) circles..


1. Pet Shop Boys - Love comes quickly (Dance mix)
2. Scotch - Penguin invasion (HOT version)
3. Amnesie - Turas (Instrumental)
4. Den Harrow - Bad boy
5. Mr. Flagio - Take a chance
6. Sandy Marton - People from Ibiza
7. Cori Josias - Taking it straight (Instrumental)
8. Hot Cold - I can hear your voice


And Dubmood, just shut the fuck up or I'll break your jaw and a half if I get the chance.
added on the 2011-01-19 02:40:25 by superplek superplek
offline mixes too or live only?
added on the 2011-01-19 02:51:41 by Gargaj Gargaj
That of course is 100% up to the maker! Some like it live, some like to glue. Free for all I'd say.
added on the 2011-01-19 02:53:42 by superplek superplek
Well I am considering myself as quite inactive nowadays but you can download a lot of my older mixes HERE.
added on the 2011-01-19 08:33:36 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
plek: more cowbell plz! THE RADIO DOESNT WORK
oooh ho ho ho you suck plek. let me guess, you cant live of that shit can you?
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added on the 2011-01-19 11:26:09 by Rob Rob
daddy daddy, I know I cant feed the troll, but he is so obvious and cute I really want to... I feel sorry for him Daddy :(
added on the 2011-01-19 11:38:10 by nic0 nic0
Nice Tunes,gonna listen to them at work today !
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Seventies b-boy funk & breaks mixtape: http://www.mkvdb.com/LauweOuwe.mp3
No DJ sets, but my mixtapes/discs/whatever in electronic from. This one might even have music that people here can relate to...
added on the 2011-01-19 12:24:08 by raer raer
Nice set Weyland!
added on the 2011-01-19 14:40:45 by okkie okkie
STJ Stu - MIX 1-3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Okkie, that means a lot to me, there's even some Jeff Beck and Aretha Franklin in there, all cut up and editted beyond recognition :P

The bomb is a holy weapon of peace!
Good stuff coming in! Nice!

I've heard that Weyland tape before but it's still amazing. Rasmus and others: tracklists!
added on the 2011-01-19 17:11:01 by superplek superplek
