Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
Shit writes itself really.
Matches with:
^ carinsurance.org !!!?
oh ffs!
haha, sweet fix!
Wivked 2k, haven't deviated in ages - too many furries etc.
This criptex is operated by navigating the maze in and out of the outer protective cylander. I personally designed the maze using a maze generating program online, added a few major changes and added specific points on the maze that will lock-up unless there is just the right amount of pressure in the right place. It took forever to saw out that maze.
"Everything must change, nothing stays the same."
"Everything must change, nothing stays the same."
Aside from entropy (including death), lineal time & taxation being constants the universe was here a long time before we were & will continue to be here a long time after we've gone.
Carpe diem. (You never know when that bus is going to come & run over you).
Crossing threads here but..
Thanx W. Hard day tomorrow.