Political Compass
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Having been Australian for more years than I was Zambian I can definitely say I much prefer Oz, but I certainly don't think that means I want to get the Southern Cross tattooed on me or a "If you don't like it, leave" bumper-sticker.

The US right wing is not quite like the crazy New World Order believing Paranoid Xenophobic Isolationists that have historically infected europe.
I think Europeans love the NWO, that's why most of us have joined the EU. When you consider that fact, I'd hardly call us "isolationist" or even proud of our individual nations.
here's some right wing americans!
Well, there's some brits on there too, including comments from Melanie "mad mel" Philips hating everyone who isn't jewish.#
It appears that 90% of US politics is about "homos". Murder, drugs, corrupt politicians, no healthcare, dependence on oil and a disastrous economy don't even get a mention.
Well, there's some brits on there too, including comments from Melanie "mad mel" Philips hating everyone who isn't jewish.#
It appears that 90% of US politics is about "homos". Murder, drugs, corrupt politicians, no healthcare, dependence on oil and a disastrous economy don't even get a mention.
Are the Nazis really economically right-wing, as Maali claims? At www.politicalcompass.org the National Democrats are located in the center. At importanceofphilosophy.com they write that fascism is a form of socialism, so the state runs the economy (although private ownership is formally legal).
Adok is trying soooo hard.
I don't think most nazis have the intelligence to have a formulated stance on economics that can be placed anywhere.
I was about to start some long and winding discussion on the economics of Hitler, but then I realized that a) Adok is only trolling and b) Adok likes Hitler and I do not want to give Adok a stiffy.
I was about to start some long and winding discussion on the economics of Hitler, but then I realized that a) Adok is only trolling and b) Adok likes Hitler and I do not want to give Adok a stiffy.
oops.. spellchecker..
Whatever, it's not an IQ-test :-)
Whatever, it's not an IQ-test :-)
This thread is now about kittens, I propose:

That one's much sweeter:

Sry for the little offtpoic, thought it fit in somehow

Sry for the little offtpoic, thought it fit in somehow
Maali: Come on - I realize you are a creative guy who likes to draw; how about creating a title picture for Hugi? You can do it!
added on the 2010-12-30 23:27:13 by Adok
But he just did!
There was a political compass thread here on pouet about 18 months ago. couldnt find it. Anyway:

leftism means egalitarianism which is like the opposite of authority so this doesn't make sense at all.
uhm, no. leftism whats that? leftism and rightism is the limits you have in gradeschool not to be too confused when learning politics
I just hate everyone who generalizes!
The questions on that test are for the most part terrible.
questions and bias of the political compass don't apply to europe..
what torus said.
How so? Honestly not trolling here but, why are your political leanings not relevant in Europe? Surely there are still political divides within the EU? Just asking...