
Is Scamp a Nazi?

category: residue [glöplog]
You don't have much clue about Facebook.
1. By default everybody can read your status messages. You must manually change the configuration to make them friends-only.
Not that "having much clue about Facebook" is that much of a valuable commodity, but.. you don't have a clue. Facebook have changed their default privacy policy something like 6 times since the site first launched, so what is default is entirely related to when you registered. Seeing as I don't find it likely that everyone on the planet did that TODAY, it is more than likely that their default settings do in fact NOT share status updates.

And, just as an added bonus, the default setting is in fact NOT to show "Wall Posts" (aka status updates) to anyone else than your friends, you twat.


But hey, don't let facts or reality stop you -- it's not like it has done that before. Oh, and no, I won't be your friend on Facebook, even though you tried to "friend me" twice. Yes, you did.
added on the 2011-01-01 22:19:56 by gloom gloom
well, facebook's privacy setting shit (and the progress of it) is fucking retarded nonetheless :D
gloom: Probably because I did not associate your name (whatever it is) with your handle.
added on the 2011-01-01 22:38:43 by Adok Adok
Adok why do you visit demoparties again? The way I perceived it at tUM everybody avoided you. I wonder why...
added on the 2011-01-01 23:05:58 by xTr1m xTr1m
xTr1m: I visited the party because I wanted to present my releases. I talked to Paralax, Kojote, T$, StyX and a few other people I knew from the earlier days. Most of the visitors were unknown faces to me and I didn't recognize you either. You are probably right that some people avoided me (Vacuum, Farbrausch members) - I had the same impression. But I wasn't particularly keen on talking to them either. They have never been close contacts of mine.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:22:35 by Adok Adok
Yeah, I remember a few years ago when Chaos and I visited vienna for a talk and this weird guy so very desperately wanted to get on the group photo despite not even being able to open his goddamn mouth and talk to anyone of us.


"Wasn't particularly keen" my ass. "Am not social enough to speak"? Yes, rather.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:27:45 by kb_ kb_
bbcode fail but the image is scary anyway.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:28:08 by kb_ kb_
Oh, also, Adok, you tried to friend me twice on FB, too. And I know you know my real name.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:32:14 by kb_ kb_
A facebook arguments page on pouet? & I cop shit for posting images!
added on the 2011-01-01 02:00:41 by ringofyre

I stand corrected.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:35:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
kb_: Yes, I did try to friend you on FB. You are a nice guy. As regards to "not opening one's mouth": True, I often get complaints about that. It's because I am rather shy and have problems talking to people. I started visiting Mensa meetings on a regular basis in 2003 to remedy that, and, as a fellow Mensa member said, my oral communication skills have since improved tremendously, but probably they are still far below average.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:40:00 by Adok Adok
And do you really think your behavior here at pouet helps in any way? As it stands, I wouldn't know what on earth you could say to me at a demoparty that wouldn't be a waste of the ten seconds I'd spend listening - and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking that way.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:42:40 by kb_ kb_
Indeed - what could you tell me? At the first instant I can think of your game projects and the goth scene - both things I could obtain information on by visiting the web. I could also ask you about your living circumstances, but I'm not sure if you would be willing to tell me much about them. So, indeed, there does not seem much to be to talk about. I could tell you about my experiences with the D programming language, I could deliver lectures about biochemistry, human genetics, evolutionary algorithms, talk a bit about average case analysis of algorithms and computational geometry, that's what I have been dealing with recently - but probably this wouldn't be of interest to you.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:50:09 by Adok Adok
kb visits Vienna?
I'd ask him thousands of technical questions :)
added on the 2011-01-01 23:54:56 by dv dv
As I'm not into graphics/music programming, I don't know what technical question I should ask him.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:59:07 by Adok Adok
Indeed - what could you tell me? At the first instant I can think of your game projects and the goth scene - both things I could obtain information on by visiting the web. I could also ask you about your living circumstances, but I'm not sure if you would be willing to tell me much about them. So, indeed, there does not seem much to be to talk about. I could tell you about my experiences with the D programming language, I could deliver lectures about biochemistry, human genetics, evolutionary algorithms, talk a bit about average case analysis of algorithms and computational geometry, that's what I have been dealing with recently - but probably this wouldn't be of interest to you.

This reply is beyond parody.
Ok, sorry, for a second I thought maybe you'd be able to reflect on.. anything. Seems rather silly in hindsight, yes. Temporary lapse of judgement, won't happen again.
added on the 2011-01-01 23:59:36 by kb_ kb_
kb_: Well, I think the message you wanted to convey is that I'm a boring person and should try to get some interests in order to become a worthy communication partner. But I doubt I will ever become interested in the same things as you. We are too different.
added on the 2011-01-02 00:12:28 by Adok Adok
Fuck that, you don't need a fancy subject, just ask how the party has been to the other guy and what they think about some latest releases.
added on the 2011-01-02 00:46:03 by msqrt msqrt
So.. you not really social communicative Adok ?! Well.. then do your "job" and enjoy it. np
added on the 2011-01-02 00:46:33 by yumeji yumeji
omg, kb.. thank you for this ROTFLBBQ moment :)
This thead needs a "Like" button (tho "thumbs up" would do) so I could give maali his due reward. :D
added on the 2011-01-02 00:58:37 by ringofyre ringofyre
just thumb up adok's magic cube prod to compensate it :D
omg...it will look like an accident. i promise...
added on the 2011-01-02 01:36:53 by _docd _docd
done. Even works well in wine.
BB Image
added on the 2011-01-02 02:17:09 by ringofyre ringofyre
