category: parties [glöplog]
I'm in ... of course.
On the website only the REVISIONs of competitions have been posted yet.
I think combining the low-spec intros to one compo was uninevitable because
of too less entries in the past :( ... gotta live with that.
But what about compos like ... um ... AMiGAAAAA DEMO ?
Will it stay independent ?
On the website only the REVISIONs of competitions have been posted yet.
I think combining the low-spec intros to one compo was uninevitable because
of too less entries in the past :( ... gotta live with that.
But what about compos like ... um ... AMiGAAAAA DEMO ?
Will it stay independent ?
rasmus: things are in the work to make hotel reservation comfortable and easy. just give us some time to survive all the hectic with organizing, invitation and $STUFF while having xmas, new year and of course tUM inbetween :-)
dODgE: AMiGAAAAAAA demo will stay independent, as stated on the webpage. that is, if people release stuff there. but, come on... getting three entries shouldn't be that much of a problem :) so... you're doing one, only two missing then... ;)
dODgE: AMiGAAAAAAA demo will stay independent, as stated on the webpage. that is, if people release stuff there. but, come on... getting three entries shouldn't be that much of a problem :) so... you're doing one, only two missing then... ;)
I'm in the intro department. But I hope the rest of the Amiga bunch will come up with decent stuff :)
I'm coming and of course will release something! :D
Just a clarification of the combined Intro thing:
Does this mean it is just Amiga and C64 entries for this compo, and f.i Atari or Spectrum intros go in the Real Wild?
Oldskool Intro
* This is a new multiplatform competition for all oldskool systems.This competition expands from Amiga 4K, Amiga 64K and C64 4K competitions
Does this mean it is just Amiga and C64 entries for this compo, and f.i Atari or Spectrum intros go in the Real Wild?
tFt: any oldskool computer goes into this new competition. it's meant to get these machines out of the real wild competition into something more appropriate. rules are as usual: if we don't have the respective machine at hand, you have to prove that it runs on the actual hardware.
hope that helps.
hope that helps.
Nice! This will hopefully be one of the most interesting compos. Together with the real wild compo :)
tFt : thats the idea ;)
yay \o/ German beers ahoy!
Just a live act suggestion:
I saw this guy live at Retro Party in Erfurt and he rocked pretty hard! Don´t know if he has time or is intrested but its a rockin act!
Here some video snippets of his show... have a look at 2:58 min
Retro Party Video Report
I saw this guy live at Retro Party in Erfurt and he rocked pretty hard! Don´t know if he has time or is intrested but its a rockin act!
Here some video snippets of his show... have a look at 2:58 min
Retro Party Video Report
Puryx, that's only 1½ hour extra driving ... I'm in.
Which means 1 more movie to show .. we gotta take a look at the list one more time farfarfarfar!
i must admit that that location looks very cool! plus, i like saarbrucken. plus, it looks like the danes are going south!
also, ups for not actually calling it "easterparty"
please, no live chiptunes...
The location looks really cool indeed. Too bad I'm retired, this looks interesting.
please give us live chiptunes and do not listen to silly haters!
also, location looks cool, but i definitely wouldn't want to have to sleep there. so i am torn between booking a hotel in the area right now (which might fuck up your negotiations), and waiting for the result of your negotiations (which might fuck up my chances of booking a hotel at reasonable distance from the partyplace). then again, german hotel prices are silly cheap (yes tft, it's true, even in bingen!), so i guess i might as well go ahead and splash that 100eur... :-)
also, location looks cool, but i definitely wouldn't want to have to sleep there. so i am torn between booking a hotel in the area right now (which might fuck up your negotiations), and waiting for the result of your negotiations (which might fuck up my chances of booking a hotel at reasonable distance from the partyplace). then again, german hotel prices are silly cheap (yes tft, it's true, even in bingen!), so i guess i might as well go ahead and splash that 100eur... :-)
also, the reason that hotels in berlin are cheaper is that bingen mainly attracts tourists while berlin mainly attracts hartz iv empfänger :p
Count me in, mofos! :D
Thanx for the good news. I think this party will rock, some of the BPcrowders are involved... so just book your flights.

and berlin should have a different supply vs demand ratio as well :P
kusma, only whiners quit.
sounds really promising! unfortunately i will most likely not be able to attend due to a research trip. :(
irokos: If that's what it takes to get an easter off every now and then; fine, I'm a whiner. Now go make a trackmo about it.
I am looking into arranging a bus (duh!)
I guess the danish scene would support the bus once again, even though the ride is 110km longer?
That's great news, Puryx!
tFt: any oldskool computer goes into this new competition. it's meant to get these machines out of the real wild competition into something more appropriate. rules are as usual: if we don't have the respective machine at hand, you have to prove that it runs on the actual hardware.
What is the criterion for a platform to be considered oldskool?