Easter 2011
category: parties [glöplog]
If we're talking about awards, I'd like to remind everybody again that Outline 2011 will host the already infamous Okkie Awards! All nominees and winners are picked by me, so you can be damn sure it has absolutely no reason behind it.
I hereby nominate Okkie for the "Being most Okkie-ish"-award for Okkie Awards 2011. Oh, wait. I'm not you, this blows :(
Anyways, it really does bother me how rude people are to scamp.
Well, the incident I remember most strongly when it comes to scamp is one when he was really rude to me.
I had been invited by one of the organizers to come inside one of the "forbidden" areas (the ones with a "don't go here" sign). scamp saw me enter that area and made a huge scene, apparently not believing that I had been invited to go there.
He threatened me with various things and he was being really hurtful.
Later, scamp was informed by the organizer in question that he was wrong to attack me. He said he wouldn't do it again. However, he never bothered to apologize - which would have been the appropriate thing to do.
I'm not saying that scamp never does anything good. He once reportedly fought off the police in a really brave way (when they tried to suggest that BP is a nothing but a place for illicit copying).
But it cannot and should not be denied that he does have something of an aggression problem.
i heard david hasselhoff is a strong contender for the "Being most Okkie-ish"-award
will the 'Okkie Awards 2011' be held in 2012 or how does that work?
I hereby nominate Okkie for the "Being most Okkie-ish"-award for Okkie Awards 2011. Oh, wait. I'm not you, this blows :( p
Silly billy, the awards are not about me. I have nominated you in the 'Best hat-wearing Norwegian' and 'TFT Look-a-like' categories though!
Oh, wait. I'm not you, this blows :(
Verily, a [i]true[/]i nordic conspiracy.
damn norwegians... first they steal the awards, now they steal the good name that is breakpoint... what's next? they strike oil?
Oh, and I think everyone can call their party whatever they want. "Follow-up to Breakpoint" is not a protected term. There are no protected terms.
You can organize a farting contest in your garden, 5 am in the morning, and call that "the follow-up event to Breakpoint 2010". It might not strike too many people as a credible claim, but you're certainly free to make it.
Actually, pretty much all this thread seems to be is a farting contest between party organizers :] So I guess we'll just wait and see who actually comes up with the better party in the end.
You can organize a farting contest in your garden, 5 am in the morning, and call that "the follow-up event to Breakpoint 2010". It might not strike too many people as a credible claim, but you're certainly free to make it.
Actually, pretty much all this thread seems to be is a farting contest between party organizers :] So I guess we'll just wait and see who actually comes up with the better party in the end.
don't you mean farty?
the only way the germans can stop this is by invading norway
lol... right. (@plaf)

so, where is this german party again?
In Saarbrücken/Germany and one of the mainorgas will (may)be D.Fox.
Have a look here http://twitter.com/easterparty and here http://twitter.com/dfox288/status/29606373383
Thanks and goodbye, Your BobbyFlitter!
But it cannot and should not be denied that he does have something of an aggression problem.
he doesn't have an aggression problem. you don't know how much stress it is to be the main organizer of such an effing huge and successful party. the pressure to always be awesome is extremely high and i'm sure most people would snap at small "problems" like those if they had to deal with so much stress at once. also as already mentioned before, "snapping" at all and everything that comes up helps you to get through and handle situations like the burglary on the parking lot.
on a sidenote, if i remember correctly we had an agreement that visitors shouldn't/mustn't come up the orga area without being accompanied by an organizer or without officially being called there via announcement, so even if it's bad to yell at people who just didn't know better, the one who was in the wrong was the organizer who just invited you there without telling anyone beforehand, not scamp.
I was about to post something long and winding while drawing conclusions on someones personality by relating one story to my own personal pocket-Freudian-analysis, but then I thought better of it.
Leijaa: Sounds very good, if we can convince 51% of the danish demosceners to go there, you HAVE MY SWORD (and I mean that in a friendly and non-drunk-and-desperate way.)
Leijaa: Sounds very good, if we can convince 51% of the danish demosceners to go there, you HAVE MY SWORD (and I mean that in a friendly and non-drunk-and-desperate way.)
nic0: just get the orgas to put in a "pants off at all time"-rule, and every single danish demoscener will show up =)
Kepler that is wrong, pants should only go off during demos! or at very special occasions where there is something so awesome that it must be celebrated in a non-shouting way! :)
Saarbrücken? can it get any more AdW than this? :p
Saarbrücken has nice industry!
Ok so... Easterparty+TG already have a place, date, 2 invitros, loads of organizers, scene.org awards etc. "The German Party" has an anonymous twitter account with weird references to "me"... Doesn't seem too credible.
EasterGARDEN :)
I still think EasterGarden should claim to be the true FreezePoint sucessor, maybe even steal the name.
I agree with Plysko on that issue. Or call it LAKSPOINT.
"Frozen Lakspoint 2011" has a certain ring to it...
"Frozen Lakspoint 2011" has a certain ring to it...