What is the most used "instrument" in demoscene music?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
What an idiotic thread. You might as well ask what's the most popular pixel color in demoscene graphics or the most popular equation in demoscene programming. Actually, the latter would be sort of fun.
gloom: the latter is kind of obvious... x+(y<<6)+(y<<8) :-)
that would be the most hated "instrument".
loop: btst #6,$bfe001
bne loop
20 GOTO 10
the Chiffer ... like a panflute but that doesn't really describe the specific sample ... the famous Shadow of the Beast sample used in millions of Amiga tunes
square saw sine noise. and a lil off a tan. that's all you need.
BTW I like my coffee filtered. ;)
BTW I like my coffee filtered. ;)
well, most musics have hi-hats...so this one should have been obvious...as hihats are played way more often than a kickdrum in a song, the answer is/was obviously HI-HATs !
I would say the snare
I can't speak for all demoscene music, but among all mod-files on midnight bbs the sample that was used in the highest number of songs was st-01:hihat2. This does not necessarily mean that it was used the most.
The squarewave!
The squarewave!

@insectecutor It's not an instrument, it's a synthetizer.

the most used instrument in the demoscene? the keyboard. *rimshot*

So the one on the left is supposed to simulate.. what? A bellybutton? A surgical incision? Some sort of fish?
doom: arcade coin slot obviously
I'm hoping st-01:hooman will eventually win.
we need threads with user-polls in pouet 2.0, anyone?
4Mat said it already.
the sound of a thousand farts..
The Oscillator.