Awards 2011
category: parties [glöplog]
you don't do demos for the awards you can get, though, do you?
everybody does bruv!
awards -> chicks
good demo -> awards
good demo -> chicks
good demo -> awards
good demo -> chicks
Well, we can always have Okkie Awards 2011 at the Breakpoint replacement party :)
That would rock, really.
That would rock, really.
Haha, the Okkies! Oh my god, if I got to choose winners, it would be really messy :D
Okkie Awards .... so thats categories like:
- most colorful t-shirt
right? :)
- most colorful t-shirt
right? :)
"Best demo title that Okkie can speak in a deep voice 2011"
- The best demo coded by a dude with a beard
- The best beard of the scene
- The musician with the sexiest mustache (will go instantly to Xerxes)
- The best use of the words 'flux capacitor' in the title of the production.
- The best use of the colour blue (I like blue! Sue me)
- The worst use of the colour blue
I could go on..
- The best beard of the scene
- The musician with the sexiest mustache (will go instantly to Xerxes)
- The best use of the words 'flux capacitor' in the title of the production.
- The best use of the colour blue (I like blue! Sue me)
- The worst use of the colour blue
I could go on..
So fucking awesome :D:D
ferris, word!!
"The official Okkie Akwards"
uhm.. "The official Okkie Awkwards".. (dang!)
"And the Okkie for best demo goes to..."
Rob is Jarig!!! :P
what does an okkie award look like?
Apparently a flux capacitor for a face with a sexy mustache and blue beard.
So to summarize : some expenses got paid, the awards have found a new home at a party where you can drink outside the main hall. Did I forgot anything?
Say what you will, but a nomination at the awards, especially if it's on a group that is just starting up or is just emerging from oblivion is a big thing. Consequently, it is highly possible that such a nomination would attract the people from that group to go and attend the prize giving ceremony.
This is exactly what happened with ASD back in 2004, when Dreamchild was nominated for Best Soundtrack and Public's choice awards. It motivated me to grab Leviathan and a couple more friends and organize a trip to Germany to attend Breakpoint. And even though we won no awards, the experience of attending an international demoparty was amazing, and made us come back year, after year to enjoy the party, cause Breakpoint was kickass.
Similarly, the Awards can work as an attractor for emerging sceners to go to the Gathering, (or any other party if they alternate locations). So, once again.. say what you will, hate em, discredit them but there's no denying that the awards are a very strong and important service to the scene, and it is imperative that they keep being organized.
And in closing I'll totally second what MeteoriK and skrebbel said...
This is exactly what happened with ASD back in 2004, when Dreamchild was nominated for Best Soundtrack and Public's choice awards. It motivated me to grab Leviathan and a couple more friends and organize a trip to Germany to attend Breakpoint. And even though we won no awards, the experience of attending an international demoparty was amazing, and made us come back year, after year to enjoy the party, cause Breakpoint was kickass.
Similarly, the Awards can work as an attractor for emerging sceners to go to the Gathering, (or any other party if they alternate locations). So, once again.. say what you will, hate em, discredit them but there's no denying that the awards are a very strong and important service to the scene, and it is imperative that they keep being organized.
And in closing I'll totally second what MeteoriK and skrebbel said...
i like the "okkie awards" thingy... :-)
someone should design a trophy
someone should design a trophy

I do agree, that being somewhere with 99% gamers and no alcohol sounds like an atrocious experience on par with being forced to watch serial runs of Sex and the City 2. In that vein, it should be remembered that its a lot easier to have fun without alcohol than not having fun while drinking alcohol!
However Norway is close to Denmark, and I guess if people I know and like are going, I'll go too. Maybe it could be a return to actually being forced to be around people who doesn't "understand" the demoscene and interesting some of them in it?
On the subject of whether awards were "bought" im a bit meh - I see both sides of the fence, since even though noone actually got any cash into their pockets, I know I personally would jump at the chance of hosting something that was bigger and more fancy. That would sort of rub my personal ego. I do know that melw and the boys are above that sort of thing though, so maybe it's a good thing that I have the scene credit of a drunk counterstrike player... that way I won't get put in such horrible dilemmas ;)
However Norway is close to Denmark, and I guess if people I know and like are going, I'll go too. Maybe it could be a return to actually being forced to be around people who doesn't "understand" the demoscene and interesting some of them in it?
On the subject of whether awards were "bought" im a bit meh - I see both sides of the fence, since even though noone actually got any cash into their pockets, I know I personally would jump at the chance of hosting something that was bigger and more fancy. That would sort of rub my personal ego. I do know that melw and the boys are above that sort of thing though, so maybe it's a good thing that I have the scene credit of a drunk counterstrike player... that way I won't get put in such horrible dilemmas ;)
So, just out of curiosity. How many of you "TG-haters" base this on the alcohol ban only?
indeed, look at the bright side... you can still eat unlimited amounts of fermented herring indoors!