Ridiculously long Mandelbrot zoomer
category: general [glöplog]
That's just awesome! :) Colors might have been better though.
That's just awesome! :) Colors might have been better though.
could have been done in 4k.
... except the vocals...
could have been done in 4k.
Good luck with that. ;)
I look your mandelbrot and raise you with a mandelbox.
mandelbrot zoom in 4k = easy, you can run it at HD res at high framerate on a modern gpu. Deep zooming = hard, you hit precision limits surprisingly fast.
psonice: And you discover that getting any details at deeper zoom levels requires a higher iteration count.
not just iteration count, but precision. After 10 minutes of zoom at that tempo you need somewhere around 1000 bits of precision.
I hit the precision limits before iteration counts were an issue. That was with 32bit precision in a regular shader though, I guess taking it further it may swing the other way.
I'm wondering if there are other rendering methods than the escape time algorithm that might scale nicer with the zoom level.
I vaguely remember reading up on some alternative methods that would have done a lot better than the classic formula when i messed about with it, but documentation seemed a bit scarce and my maths isn't so hot for figuring it out. Then again, I did manage to come up with something that produced endless swastikas :D
This gets a fractal thumbs up

what he said.
best tunnel ever

psonice : pic or didnt happen :)

with for fractals like these do you use arbitrary size integers or do you use some arbitrary float code?
with for fractals like these do you use arbitrary size integers or do you use some arbitrary float code?
just implement a bignum library in your shader and you get all the precision you want.. it might be a tad slow though ;)
Got a better idea: precalc the whole plane at desired depth, mipmap it and then rotozoom into it with a mere pentium 100.
Zoomlevel-independant workload!
[leaves keyboard and goes to some patent office]
Zoomlevel-independant workload!
[leaves keyboard and goes to some patent office]
Had not read the description on youtube.
Didnt understand it's heavily offline already.
Didnt understand it's heavily offline already.
Even better: use log-polar mapping, compute only the center each frame and reuse the rest.
i'm quite sure there's goatse hiding somewhere if you just zoom enough
I look your mandelbrot and raise you with a mandelbox.
That was ridiculously awesome.
precalc the whole plane at desired depth
Indeed. It's only like 10^460 pixels. How long could that take.