Decent motion blur?
category: code [glöplog]
What's the best way to produce post processing motion blur?
I'm just taking a few samples on the direction of the displacement vector. Is there some better technique?
I'm just taking a few samples on the direction of the displacement vector. Is there some better technique?
Render motion vectors into render-target, blur along motion vector in screen space?
yes that's what I'm doing... is there anything better?
if the demo is light, you can render many subframes and average...
How about this approach: ?
Everything looks better after a good portion of C2H5OH.
kbi: How is that approach different?
xernobyl: I don't know of any other way of doing motion blur as a post process, but I'd try to do multiple passes of blur (i.e blurring the blurred result etc). That might make occlulsion-problems less obvious.
plainoldsagacity: Relating to whose answer? :) I suppose it's close to what kusma has suggested, but provides motion vectors in quite a clever way, which is why i mentioned it.
for scenes with many colors:
This will produce a motion blur that doesn't have anything to do with reality and therefore is very suitable as a proper demo/intro effect.
Hint: For an even more special effect you can modify the dir variable in inner loop and have an even greater impact for the viewer as he/she tries to understand what is going on the screen.
const float steps = 16.0;
vec2 xy = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
vec3 dir = normalize(-1.0+2.0*texture2D(color, xy).rgb)*0.25/steps;
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
for (float i = 0.0; i < steps; i += 1.0) {
color += texture2D(color, xy).xyz;
xy += dir.xy*dir.z;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color/steps, 1.0);
This will produce a motion blur that doesn't have anything to do with reality and therefore is very suitable as a proper demo/intro effect.
Hint: For an even more special effect you can modify the dir variable in inner loop and have an even greater impact for the viewer as he/she tries to understand what is going on the screen.
Cheap fake: Calculate motion vectors (i.e. redraw the scene using x,y deltas from prev frame as color) and use those to do a directional blur. You may want a blur that varies writing position rather than texture reads though.
Overkill: Jitter samples in time with a known block pattern. For each block, do some covariance magic to find the principal axes and use that to perform delaunay tetrahedralisation in transformed areatime. With that you can estimate the pixel value at any x/y/t location and thus the integral as well.
Overkill: Jitter samples in time with a known block pattern. For each block, do some covariance magic to find the principal axes and use that to perform delaunay tetrahedralisation in transformed areatime. With that you can estimate the pixel value at any x/y/t location and thus the integral as well.
216: No, THIS is what I call overkill! 5d rasterization beats 3d rasterization any day!
Go cutting edge!
(sorry, I'm a bit hyper after listening to Smash's arttech-talk)
(sorry, I'm a bit hyper after listening to Smash's arttech-talk)
Kusma, add brdf, aperture, wavelength and tree branch to those three and you realize why there's no tgr4 or gamma3 ;)
But back to realism. What standard recursive directional blur does is:
1. (for..) newpixel[pos] = (pixel[pos-motion[pos]*k]+pixel[pos+motion[pos]*k])*.5;
2. k *= .5 and goto 1 until smooth enough.
But what you need is something like:
1. (for..) newpixel[pos-motion[pos]] += pixel[pos];
2. (for..) newpixel[pos+motion[pos]] += pixel[pos];
3. normalize pixels
4. k *= .5 and goto 1 until smooth enough.
1. How: Polygon mesh, vertex shader.
2. Slow: Use bigger triangles.
3. Ugly: Use method 2 to blur just the motion vectors and go back to method 1 for pixels.
4. Work: ok, just render the scene several times and forget PP. You get AA as a bonus if you jitter the samples.
But back to realism. What standard recursive directional blur does is:
1. (for..) newpixel[pos] = (pixel[pos-motion[pos]*k]+pixel[pos+motion[pos]*k])*.5;
2. k *= .5 and goto 1 until smooth enough.
But what you need is something like:
1. (for..) newpixel[pos-motion[pos]] += pixel[pos];
2. (for..) newpixel[pos+motion[pos]] += pixel[pos];
3. normalize pixels
4. k *= .5 and goto 1 until smooth enough.
1. How: Polygon mesh, vertex shader.
2. Slow: Use bigger triangles.
3. Ugly: Use method 2 to blur just the motion vectors and go back to method 1 for pixels.
4. Work: ok, just render the scene several times and forget PP. You get AA as a bonus if you jitter the samples.
5d rasterization? what?
Url for Smash 2010 Assembly Talk:
haha, omg, smash knows a lot of graphics programming buzzwords :)
Key statements:
Smash: "And how does it look?"
Decipher: "Shit. It looks like shit so far."
Smash: "Words of encouragement..."
Smash: "And how does it look?"
Decipher: "Shit. It looks like shit so far."
Smash: "Words of encouragement..."
It's all a bunch of dots? I knew it!
hornet: is that talk available anywhere? I tried searching last week but found nothing.
Hey insectecutor, read the thread shit head.
it's fun to watch navis talk directly after smashs talk
hardware motion blur : record the video with a 30 fps VGA webcam. show the video live on another screen.
For semi-decent camera-movement only motionblur, see Valve's description here:
- otherwise as kusma said, the most common is motionvectors: the description in this (otherwise not recommendable) book of motion-vector motionblur looks pretty solid. This version is a bit slow though, so he ends up using classifying different screenspace areas to speed it up.
- otherwise as kusma said, the most common is motionvectors: the description in this (otherwise not recommendable) book of motion-vector motionblur looks pretty solid. This version is a bit slow though, so he ends up using classifying different screenspace areas to speed it up.