TRSAC 2010 - 22nd - 24th October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
More than 40 signups for TRSAC now - We want to reach the 100 mark like we did last year!
Go sign-up now!
Go sign-up now!
Normal entrance ticket is: 200 DKK/ €30
Food included entrance ticket is: 300 DKK / €40
(food included means breakfast saturday+sunday, and dinner saturday)
We prefer bank transfers, but you can also buy your ticket via paypal. Go register and get your ticket now at
Normal entrance ticket is: 200 DKK/ €30
Food included entrance ticket is: 300 DKK / €40
(food included means breakfast saturday+sunday, and dinner saturday)
We prefer bank transfers, but you can also buy your ticket via paypal. Go register and get your ticket now at
Please wait while transfering...
Sweet, thanks a lot for the update Puryx. By the way any news on the menu for food?
Oh, fuck yeah, food! The menu back in 2008 when I last attended was a goddamn religious experience ;D. Danish cuisine is ELITE :D. Looking forward to it this year :).
... Right, might as well get around to buying the ticket.
... Right, might as well get around to buying the ticket.
elf, and everyone knows that a demoparty is *THE* place to visit for gourmet meals :-)
Hehe - I think it might be lasagne this year... sorry - not really that much danish cuisine. I'll check up on it and put the menu on
Got some money in my paypal account, so currently waiting for my money to transfer to my bank account (up to 7 days, apparently. wtf?), then I'll by tickets for myself and Zyps.
sounds awesomes!
you got my money, now bring me the party.
I will, especially if people bring RELEASES - hint hint :)
Btw, the small duckie ticket images will appear soon - the web-orga just needs to fiddle a bit :)
Btw, the small duckie ticket images will appear soon - the web-orga just needs to fiddle a bit :)
Did you get any ascii/ansi entries last year?
I'll definitely submit an ansi this year.
I'll definitely submit an ansi this year.
: alle dem der havde releases med sidste år klapper nu :
elf, and everyone knows that a demoparty is *THE* place to visit for gourmet meals :-)
You danish people are so goddamn spoiled! Even the _worst_ danish meal beats pretty much everything else there is as far as I'm concerned ;D... Well, maybe it doesn't beat a _good_ danish meal, but you get my point ;).
ah yes, nothing like a piece of swedish meat balls at the local ikea :)
Malodix: We had 3 entries!
but we need 3 or more entries for a compo :)
but we need 3 or more entries for a compo :)
Remote entries from India would be appreciated.
we would appreciate YOU :)
On the lasagna-part. It _could_ be an exquisite meal if you use egg-plant, cut off the peal, slice it into ½cm thick slices, let them soak in redwine for 1-2 hours, and stuff it along with the rest of the fillings. Believe me - it's awesome, since eggplant doesn't really taste of anything, but has a unique ability to soak stuff ;-)
On the contribution-part, I'll surely submit a 16k exe music entry as usual. Hopefully, Fnuque will also release the second 64k intro since our rebirth at Solskogen.
On the contribution-part, I'll surely submit a 16k exe music entry as usual. Hopefully, Fnuque will also release the second 64k intro since our rebirth at Solskogen.
Puryx: I want Ditte's hotdogs!
Punqtured: 16k exe music + 64k intro noted - now you better deliver! ;)
Decipher: I'm pretty sure that the kiosk has hotdogs!
Decipher: I'm pretty sure that the kiosk has hotdogs!
man kan vel altid remixe et eller andet :-)
Punqtured: 16k exe music + 64k intro noted - now you better deliver! ;)
Arhmenaltså ... 16k'en må du holde mig op på, men det står sgu sløjt til med evnerne udi OpenGL og C++, så introen er det Ralph, der skal holdes op på ... ja altså lige med mindre den ikke bliver færdig fordi der mangler musik :-D
Christian: der kommer en Amiga intro fra Focus Design, det er 21,2% sikkert! Har I noget WinUAE eller hvordan?
Corial: jeg har WinUAE - ellers er jeg sikker på at vi kan få det sat op i løbet af partiet.
Og - supercool!
Og - supercool!