
Movies you must see before you die

category: offtopic [glöplog]
yes it is.
it hasnt been released yet though.
added on the 2010-05-16 18:37:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
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The Adjustment Bureau

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Battle Royale

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Flash Forward (series)
added on the 2010-05-16 18:38:22 by neoneye neoneye
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added on the 2010-05-16 20:20:42 by gentleman gentleman
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Andromeda Strain
added on the 2010-05-16 22:33:19 by neoneye neoneye
why the hell are movies on the list that werent even released yet? who the fuck are you people, kenneth fucking turan?
added on the 2010-05-17 00:33:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
it's a kind of magic \o/
added on the 2010-05-17 08:09:17 by havoc havoc
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Watched this over the weekend, surprisingly rather good. Johnny Depp is marvellous as always (the Hatter at times is menacingly nasty) and Matt Lucas as the Tweedles was inspired.

oh and The Losers:
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(Zoe Saldana is really hot in it)
added on the 2010-05-17 09:17:21 by Gmitts Gmitts
dunno if was before
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added on the 2010-05-17 12:51:51 by krabob krabob
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The Human Centipede
Not a good film, by far. Yet it is a must see!
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added on the 2010-05-24 21:01:53 by emu emu
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added on the 2010-05-24 21:33:17 by magic magic
Gargaj: because some movies are expected to be good and to be seen before you die once released.. ;-)
added on the 2010-05-24 21:35:04 by magic magic
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this movie sucked ass
added on the 2010-05-24 21:48:49 by shuffle2 shuffle2
But you have to watch it UNCUT! :p

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added on the 2010-07-05 23:27:30 by 0x$$ 0x$$
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added on the 2010-07-05 23:32:53 by 0x$$ 0x$$
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added on the 2010-07-31 11:19:12 by magic magic
magic: Fucking awesome! Saw it twice and would gladly see it again!
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added on the 2010-07-31 13:56:56 by el mal el mal
for all people who liked INCEPTION i would recommend watching WAKING LIFE:

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it's all about dreaming, lucid dreaming and philosophy, directed by linklater and cleverly animated. bit tough to get it though, but at least on german i could share it if one's interested
added on the 2010-07-31 14:18:51 by v3nom v3nom
i have to watch waking life a few times to really understand it though - it's a bit confusing the first time. (that is, if you give a shit.)
added on the 2010-07-31 15:42:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
yeah, it's rather demanding stuff. but it pays if your in the mood to watch it.
added on the 2010-07-31 16:36:59 by v3nom v3nom
Funny you should mention Waking Life, the guy who made the animation system contacted me shortly after MC1 saying how much he liked it. So he's demoscene-aware.
added on the 2010-07-31 17:51:25 by trixter trixter
Waking life is my favorite now. I have watched it three times at least.
added on the 2010-07-31 19:33:17 by Optimus Optimus
