I hate arneweise
category: general [glöplog]
fucking homos!
Yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you Okkie? :P
Baha Okkie. Whats your problem with me?
Aka ~____-;;
Aka ~____-;;
freeze, now that was a bad place for an outing.
aka ~__^;;
aka ~__^;;
This thread is nearly overthrowing the voxel thread in the "poueted" department.. But there is something missing.. I cant really put my finger on it though..
david hasselhoff?
this is what's missing:

I hate bob sagget
I hate bob saget
@violator: word! theres a valid person to hate..If it is the americas funniest home videos moron.
compared to a certain clueless idiot arne is like the incarnation of politeness.
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).
I repeat
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).