Random gif animation thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Whoahahah =D

I didn't know turtles had such big teeth.
Turtles are evil bastards, but that was a sick gif, horrible and not what i want to see here.
Just for Intrinsic

Better now, sweetums?

Better now, sweetums?
Intrinsic does have a point.
What 8-bit buggery said. I really didn't need to see that. Is this rotten.com?
It's just an animal eating another animal. Of course it looks nasty if your a regular minded person and it doesn't belong here cause pouet is a unrated and public site. But it's what it is. Natural.
yumeji: Of course, you're absolutely right. However, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's something I want to watch.
the crap posted more & more here shows that some "sceners" are just fucked up lonely retards. this site is for what it stands for and maybe some funny other things from the world out of the demoscene but not for brutal or sick things some are posting just for their fun the majority doesnt like.
if you like stuff like that go to rotten or stileproject a.s.o. and you will find many guys like yourself.
if you like stuff like that go to rotten or stileproject a.s.o. and you will find many guys like yourself.
I've seen my turtle doing something similar to a small bird once.
Fair enough, these things happen. But for someone to actually film it happening is a bit twisted in the first place. But saying it's natural then posting it on a public forum and then expect people to accept it when you know very well it won't be, that's a different story.
Decency and taste go a long way these days.
Decency and taste go a long way these days.

Fair enough, these things happen. But for someone to actually film it happening is a bit twisted in the first place. But saying it's natural then posting it on a public forum and then expect people to accept it when you know very well it won't be, that's a different story.
Decency and taste go a long way these days.
You make it sound like I posted this. Sure not. I just wrote it realistic. And writing fat letters was just a reminder for them fucked up people posting that kinda stuff here.

yumeji: Wasn't really a dig at you or anyone, just how I felt personally about it.
Tbh though, If when people post generally nasty stuff on the intarwebs, they have to expect a little backlash. :)
Tbh though, If when people post generally nasty stuff on the intarwebs, they have to expect a little backlash. :)

expect it? thats the whole reason they post it.

xeron: Bloody forum whores. ;)