Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
"Today i will teach you difference betwenn "in" and "out" terms.
"It will be funny!"
"It will be funny!"
vacuum cleaner 70 dB
traffic noise 90 dB
drums 122 dB
vuvuzela 127 dB
plane taking off 120 dB
pain threshold 140 dB
Damn right Deus.
@torus: das war ein geils aber auch verdammt schweres game...
Holy Fuck. That Cauldron II map just fucked up my brain.. no way.. the memorymapping and memories... one of the greatest game ever on C64!
ringofyre i miss krakòw
ringofyre and bloody image posters w/o any life whatsoever...vote,comment,submit or...
...and move your arse back to 4chan!
...and move your arse back to 4chan!
The scary thing about those two (besides them living off of our money) is that they really look like copies of eachother. If he just had a chin implant, plucked his eyebrows and put on some makeup nobody would be able to tell the difference between them :P
completely random: