Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Ma gimping skillz iz da shit!
ringofyre: Looks like a vagina than a goatse blast, fail...
lol ringo

Now that's just being silly!

After spending all morning trying to retrieve the data from a drive on my missus' Netgear SC101 I'm here to say - avoid these fuckers like the plague. Proprietary filesystem (which can only be mounted using the provided windows software!), substandard drive tolls and utilities & a slow network speed. I've lost my backups and mp3s going back to 1997 (circa audiogalaxy, napster etc.). Shoulda spent the extra money and just got any vanilla flavoured nas. Teach me to be a cheap bastard.

godrays rendering

I'm so fucking glad I really don't give a shit about the environment. Me being somewhat happy is a bit higher priority.
Besides, *we* don't have to save the world. The world isn't going anywhere... we are. The world will still exist a few million years after we've gone. It's not going to suddenly explode because of some oil, plastic and car/airplane gasses, but rather the conditions here will be unsuitable for us, and we'll all die or something.
Just think about it. We've been here for, what... 10k years? The earth is millions/billions of years old. It's been here longer than us and it's gone through a lot more tough shit than a bit of oil and plastic bags.

Besides, *we* don't have to save the world. The world isn't going anywhere... we are. The world will still exist a few million years after we've gone. It's not going to suddenly explode because of some oil, plastic and car/airplane gasses, but rather the conditions here will be unsuitable for us, and we'll all die or something.
Just think about it. We've been here for, what... 10k years? The earth is millions/billions of years old. It's been here longer than us and it's gone through a lot more tough shit than a bit of oil and plastic bags.