Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
I want to break all those horns :(


einnert noch wer die prilblumen? für mich bricht da grade ne welt zusammen!

only quasirandom

How to correctly use a vuvuzela:


Getting slow in my old age!

Getting slow in my old age!


@ dut rastlantà that's the way we hypocrites deal with catastrophes like the oil spill in the gulf of mexico - for decades every year some oil-tanker sank, but NOW it suddendly is a "catastrohe" - WE ALL are consumers and who does not drive a car? I certainly do - and it is no car that drives with air and love, but with gasoline!
If it happened to some other oil company, then people would make fun-logos out of this one... what a joke...
I am no treehugger and no vegetarian (I once was) - but how can I have the right to criticize or be upset about this catastrophe when I drive some old gasoline powered car and buy stuff in supermarkets?
It's all a joke... the world may now...

If it happened to some other oil company, then people would make fun-logos out of this one... what a joke...
I am no treehugger and no vegetarian (I once was) - but how can I have the right to criticize or be upset about this catastrophe when I drive some old gasoline powered car and buy stuff in supermarkets?
It's all a joke... the world may now...

Not to mention that we are all looking at this site on machines that run on or have batteries powered by electricity, that in most countries in the world is provided by burning fossil fuels.

Could I have a mug too please emu.

Could I have a mug too please emu.
@emu: It's not in vain to make those jokes or logos, it increases the awareness of the problem.