Freak out to keygen midi music!
category: offtopic [glöplog]
maybe darwin was wrong.
i don't know what's worse... calling keygen music "midi", or saying that "midi" sounds awful...
xTr1m: The worst thing is probably calling chip music "keygen". Yes, I've heard more than one person using the word "keygen" as a name for the chip music genre.
Frost: don't you think there's a MUSICAL reason for that? :)
There is a musical called "keygen"? never heard of that..
Disappointing, this has nothing to do with cryptography :(
...well maybe a little
So it generates certain musical scores in key? :)
i hate it when people call this music.
This irritates me just as much as when people equate machinima with demos.
No sir, you cannot play demos at your shitty machinima festival!
No sir, you cannot play demos at your shitty machinima festival!
"Machinima festival"? ...
hi there, i have a question for pouet musicians :
is there any software (free if possible) that can emulate a midi controller ?? (i mean a interface with knobs and faders that simulate midi signal to the computer)
something like this (so really simple) but software :
is there any software (free if possible) that can emulate a midi controller ?? (i mean a interface with knobs and faders that simulate midi signal to the computer)
something like this (so really simple) but software :

May I ask what you need it for?
Haha, who gives a shit what they call it. Not everybody is as versed in the history of computer sequenced music as we are, what a surprise.
Keygen the Musical <3<3
Tigrou yes. There have been drivers which can redirect the midisignals to elsewhere (where you want), like Midi Yoke and such.

Well, ithought of music that is produced by a "key gen".... But i can guess these lines in qbasic help:
mode 0
10 x=rnd(255)
sound x,y
print x,x;y,x;
goto 10
mode 0
10 x=rnd(255)
sound x,y
print x,x;y,x;
goto 10
Maybe you should use mode 13 or something, otherwise its not very colorful..
excellent! :D
that's not qbasic. :( x = 255 * rnd please. also, mode is not a qbasic keyword, either.