TRSI ex-coder Spider/T-Bone is back with a vengeance with his newest release,, a brilliant web-app for creating graphic design.
category: residue [glöplog]
well your program sux, it doesnt support tshirts and shoes in my size.
Actualy, I got my first investor/agent email today, someone saying he loved my product and sees a lot of potential, he said he only approaches companies he believe can become a 100 million dollar company in 4-6 years. He said to have him in mind when/if I started looking for capital.
MY GOD. you are delusional.

hilarious! Love it... I'm working on a surprise for you...
A video which shows how i can make such an image using your ubertool in just 1 minute?
New Random bashing thread again?!
This is my first time on the pouet bbs... Did'nt know it was this much fun posting here. I'm having totally careless fun here.
Ah. Read the fineprint, I guess.
This is what will be done after I get enough feedback from beta-users, professional designers and my marketing guru:
1. Make possible to use Editor without having an account.
2. Correct minor usability flaws in the Editor.
3. Make the website look better.
4. Make much better & shorter videos, with some hot girls doing the design work... I'll get laid!That's for sure :)
After watching the intro videos, my users will think... "If some 19 year old girl can do a nice pair of shoes or tshirt in 5 minuttes so can I", and they will go and do it.
5. Launch maketing campaign.
And you need a marketing guru for that?
I need people to do some of the work for me...
Successful troll is successfully trolling!
Now Spider, what we really need is a new TRSI Amiga demo from you!
Yeah, that would rock!
Recipe for pain.
1. Make a great project
2. Post about it on pouet
3. Have lots of idiots vomit on your project
I have also done this before... but eventually I learned.
Spider, you came here mostly about advertising your site, or this is not true?
Can you create sth not commercial with your skills?
You are welcome for me then. Otherwise it is a waste of time.
You guys asked for some code, here it is...
Check out this small subset of what will be possible with GfxEditor version 2:
Just finished putting this together based on some GfxEditor code I wrote last year. I decided to move the animation features to version 2, other wise I would not finnish this year with version 1. Glad I did... Was hard enoguth finnishing the static stuff.
Tell me what you guys think... And watch it in original size.
Song 1 was made by a frind of mine, and song 2 i made a few years back and just added ODB acapella to it.
Check out this small subset of what will be possible with GfxEditor version 2:
Just finished putting this together based on some GfxEditor code I wrote last year. I decided to move the animation features to version 2, other wise I would not finnish this year with version 1. Glad I did... Was hard enoguth finnishing the static stuff.
Tell me what you guys think... And watch it in original size.
Song 1 was made by a frind of mine, and song 2 i made a few years back and just added ODB acapella to it.
Ok Spider, u fucking ROCK :) Nice preview, and i feel you strike back with a VENGEANCE. Keep it rockin DUDE :)
I didnt know you could put animations on a t-shirt
Tell me what you guys think
I think you're delusional, and those SWFs are absolute shit.

i get an error about the flash script not being fast enough or so ...
Ok, I'll forgot to set the Flash IDE actionscript timeout... Should work now... Clear cache...