
Blamstrain - "Red Green Blue" LP out now!

category: general [glöplog]
Hello boys and girls of Pouet! I just released my new album "Red Green Blue" digitally. The vinyl version is due to be out on the 23rd of August 2010!

There'll be no other digital distribution than the pay what you want method on my website.

I hope you'll like it! It's been a lot of hard work!! :)


follows is the officiale promo texte:

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"Red, green and blue are the colours that define our lives. Combinations of these colours can be used to generate pleasure for not only our senses but our souls as well. When you have a high enough concentration of these prime colours next to each other they start to blend- generating new scenery that varies from viewer to viewer out of the originally intended result."

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It's the first time since 2006's "Disfold" that I've gone with a concept for the album (2008's "Lowblow" and 2009's "Exosphere" were both more or less just collections), touching on adopting technology to carry out human interaction. Listeners are highly encouraged to try and lose themselves as much as possible and even forget that the music is playing. The intended state of listening is close to another person, virtually or physically.

The album starts all out with "Switch", a psychedelic, almost trancey techno affair with an undeniable 90s flair which continues through the album. It carries on to "Proxy" which is a real bass tech-house monster - watch out for your subwoofers! The track builds up to an euphoric peak, shifting constantly in its rhythm to keep things interesting.

"Sit And Go" features one of the most memorable build-ups I've put out to date along with a happy-go-lucky retro videogame theme urging you to nod your head and move your feet to it. Classic stuff! "Bit's Bit" separates the first half of the album from the second with a tasty, analog world of sound and a hypnotic melody to boot.

The ominous "Salamander", one of the highlights on the album, chugs along with interlacing harmonies and brash, sudden tones, reminding of the alien landscapes and otherworldly places Finns are so good at expanding in your mind. The frequency modulated tones continue in "Red Green Blue", bringing forward a warm blend of tones and textures, reinforced by the shifting chords and galloping melody painting vistas of dark skies being showered in stars.

"Snopard" (which was featured on my infamous Erotus mixtape) is a calm, relaxing story, unfolding one page at a time. The song breaks down and moves in unexpected ways, creating rhythm out of the tiniest gaps and timing between events as it rolls forward, gathering force as it goes.

The album ends with "Sun Dub", a highly dubbed-out, literal journey through the galaxy to the center of it. Dedicated to the sun, the song feels as warm as a summer's evening wrapping around you like a fluffy blanket, feeding you vitamin C.

The listening experience is intensified to 11 and beyond at loud volumes as the tracks on the record have been kept as dynamic as possible, so please, PLAY IT LOUD & FROM START TO FINISH! And get a blowjob while you're at it.
Of course the url had to drop off!

thanks man, I'm such a failboat!
What type/genre of music is it? Blowjob easy-listening?
added on the 2010-04-20 14:03:06 by raer raer
tl;dr best techno album of the year
Hey Juho, that text is some of the greatest bullshit I've ever read. But you should really leave it up to critics to write that kind of stuff :)
added on the 2010-04-20 21:50:08 by _-_-__ _-_-__
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no srsly, don't overuse compression.
I took a quick peek, nice way of letting people preview the tracks and listen to different parts of the song (i hate those 30sec previews).

thou the style is not really for me.
added on the 2010-04-21 00:47:24 by neptun neptun
I figure it's better to write it myself even though it is awkward! Why would I need someone else say that I'm the best? ;)
knos, srsly, the critics write equally ridiculous bullshit.

good lp btw, blam!
added on the 2010-04-21 08:39:19 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel, precisely what I said. However at least when it comes from the critics I can point my finger and say ahah you're full of bullshit. However when the artist itself write that bullshit, it shines a negative uv light on the material.
added on the 2010-04-21 08:57:22 by _-_-__ _-_-__
ok this last comment was the product of a syphilitic brain. I should get more sleep and/or some zaa'tar/gorgonzola/bread.
added on the 2010-04-21 08:58:21 by _-_-__ _-_-__
is this what "dutch sound schemes" are about?
added on the 2010-04-21 10:04:24 by el mal el mal
blamstrain, srsly, i listened to it again just yet, and my ears started too bleed.
and that's too bad because the music is good. but EVERY TIME THE KICK COMES IN the rest of the music ducks out and comes slowly back in, that's not good. maybe if you use it as an effect on one synth yeah, but not on the whole song.
its a very nice album, indeed. especiallylove the last song, wish it would go for 20 minutes or so )
added on the 2010-04-24 12:15:51 by elfh elfh
cheers elfh!! you can play it again and again though:)

@whynot thanks mate!
knos, good point. thus, i don't see the point of the syphilitic brain.
added on the 2010-04-24 18:34:30 by skrebbel skrebbel
best techno album of the year

Hahaha ...no!
added on the 2010-04-25 11:12:08 by NoahR NoahR
Lovely techno album blamster, keep em coming and i'll happily pay for em! Am quite happy listening to this and my latest gaslamp killer purchase = happy weekend :D
added on the 2010-04-25 12:32:04 by dv$ dv$
Hahaha ...YES!

Sure am glad you love it too eebliss!

Cheers devis :) I will!
It's not bad. But it is run-of-the-mill. No shame in that, most of what I make is just that.
added on the 2010-04-25 12:48:09 by NoahR NoahR
i disagree with whynot regarding the sound. it is very well mixed and produced. i would not sit down at home and listen to this, but would love it in a club.
added on the 2010-04-25 12:51:43 by xerxes xerxes
