One frame one demo
category: general [glöplog]
Let's see if you can recognize a demo from just one frame. Who guesses can post the next.
I start with an easy one:

I start with an easy one:

Ha, i had the same idea once "What about something like what the movie just with demos?"
friol: borg. , maybe?
Hmmh it would be nice to see a video consisting of all the screenshots on pouet. Preferfably in release-date order.. then you could see the evolution of the scene.

abductee: that's the soundcard configuration menu from on most VGAs.
abductee, the imaginary demo
_ by $ ?
You'll never guess from which demo this is:

Ummm.. Dubbing... Deborah? No... Oh, i got it! DEBRIS!
Debris Does Dallas!