Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for opensource Linux Demos, for an audiovisually optimized Linux-based system? :)
category: general [glöplog]

Yeah, put yourself at Ballmers mercy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8M6S8EKbnU&feature=fvst
Anyway, I look at this demo too. http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=rgba_tbc-elevated
Quite nice.
Some of this stuff runs quite well in wine too, and some even better than in windows, atleast with my config.
I could say so many things about windows, here's a few: Archaic, old, slow, lame, closedsource.
It's quite the contrast, to run demos, who were originally pumping max of the performance from a computer, and then run it on a system, where you cannot pump the performance in the same way, from the system. I mean, you should be working on optimizing the system, aswell as the demo-engine, or game or whatever.
All the optimization gets lost in windows. However once you run for instance, doom 3 on this linux config/kernel, you see what a genious game it can be.
Atleast that's the level it needs to be on for me, and not lame windows junk.
Quite nice.
Some of this stuff runs quite well in wine too, and some even better than in windows, atleast with my config.
I could say so many things about windows, here's a few: Archaic, old, slow, lame, closedsource.
It's quite the contrast, to run demos, who were originally pumping max of the performance from a computer, and then run it on a system, where you cannot pump the performance in the same way, from the system. I mean, you should be working on optimizing the system, aswell as the demo-engine, or game or whatever.
All the optimization gets lost in windows. However once you run for instance, doom 3 on this linux config/kernel, you see what a genious game it can be.
Atleast that's the level it needs to be on for me, and not lame windows junk.
gloom "Salam: don't you have some crappy VST effect to sell / defend? "
Don't you have some faggotry to do, until you are suicidal and kill yourself, and society rejoices?
Don't you have some faggotry to do, until you are suicidal and kill yourself, and society rejoices?

doom3 is like 5 years old.. What kind of hardware are you using an xbox or something?
im amazed at how much linux hatred there is in this place. congrats on yet again managing to carelesly ostracize folks which seem interested in doing audiovisual things on a non mainstream platform.
actually im not amazed at all, its why i quit managing this site to begin with. if you guys got nothing useful to say to new folks then have a cup of STFU ffs. -_- let then play with their platform all they want, its their choice.
ParadoxUncre8ed: dont let these fuckheads throw you off. there are plenty of people doing cool audiovisuals with linux and opensource tools.
actually im not amazed at all, its why i quit managing this site to begin with. if you guys got nothing useful to say to new folks then have a cup of STFU ffs. -_- let then play with their platform all they want, its their choice.
ParadoxUncre8ed: dont let these fuckheads throw you off. there are plenty of people doing cool audiovisuals with linux and opensource tools.
ps: Uhm, I think you're missing the actual problem here.
I could say so many things about windows, here's a few: Archaic, old, slow, lame, closedsource.
They have WaitForMultipleObjects(). Something that linux seriously lacks..
jua: hmmm.. was just reading some old threads now and i guess you're right.
ps: Yeah, not only that, he's conjuring the same lies, people from kvr-vst put out, almost ten years ago.
That in itself, is something to reflect on. (Not all posters on internet are necessarily sane.)
That in itself, is something to reflect on. (Not all posters on internet are necessarily sane.)
One thing is for sure, and that is that there is a lot less of those lamers, in opensource circles.
the Home catalog, tends to take a special place in a hackers heart.
then why do you still come here to beg for opensource linux demos? stay in your opensource circles, kthxbye!
I used to try out such customizations on my main machine's (Linux, obviously) kernel but eventually I grew tired / bored of it. I still compile the kernel from source, though, just with a relatively generic setup.
On the other hand, the fact that I am free to make choices down to that level keeps me miles away from any other proprietary systems. I've been there in the past and I am not going back anytime soon.
"A jail is warm in the winter and there is always free food there. But forgive me If I am not living inside one."
On the other hand, the fact that I am free to make choices down to that level keeps me miles away from any other proprietary systems. I've been there in the past and I am not going back anytime soon.
"A jail is warm in the winter and there is always free food there. But forgive me If I am not living inside one."
It's fairly generic, with regards to ubuntu-compatibility, the kernel on my page. You should definately try it out.
I'm having so much fun with doom 3 here. When you get the jitter right, aka "natural/true" jitter, the human senses, interpret things more as if they were natural objects. I am actually looking forward to playing doom 3 again, and that is not a feeling I've had in anyway with windows. It's always a compromise there. It's always a mindset of, this would run well, if only windows were made decently. In practise, you have variable jitter, loss of frames from time to time, loss of frames with discacess, loss of frames, and many similar things. - With this .config, which is a tweak on the ubuntu config + bfs + my own timer tweak, it's ultimate.
I'd definately call this, a next generation system. That is what it feels like, and plays like, and visually is, not just with things that can run at the 72.7hz screenrefresh, but also just with regular youtube videos. It's tuned for the human senses, so humans are what you see. All living things posess the same nature, good, compassionate, so it becomes an experience, closer to God, and godconsciousness.
Maali is ofcourse a faggot, and would probably obscure this information, even if it was for the benefit of humankind, like most faggots do. Thoughts go back to threads on KvR with "blocking the light", and so forth, and how gays were running like dogs in the forum. Ofcourse they want to block the light, they have so much shame from their dog activities, that they don't want to know themselves.
I'm having so much fun with doom 3 here. When you get the jitter right, aka "natural/true" jitter, the human senses, interpret things more as if they were natural objects. I am actually looking forward to playing doom 3 again, and that is not a feeling I've had in anyway with windows. It's always a compromise there. It's always a mindset of, this would run well, if only windows were made decently. In practise, you have variable jitter, loss of frames from time to time, loss of frames with discacess, loss of frames, and many similar things. - With this .config, which is a tweak on the ubuntu config + bfs + my own timer tweak, it's ultimate.
I'd definately call this, a next generation system. That is what it feels like, and plays like, and visually is, not just with things that can run at the 72.7hz screenrefresh, but also just with regular youtube videos. It's tuned for the human senses, so humans are what you see. All living things posess the same nature, good, compassionate, so it becomes an experience, closer to God, and godconsciousness.
Maali is ofcourse a faggot, and would probably obscure this information, even if it was for the benefit of humankind, like most faggots do. Thoughts go back to threads on KvR with "blocking the light", and so forth, and how gays were running like dogs in the forum. Ofcourse they want to block the light, they have so much shame from their dog activities, that they don't want to know themselves.
Maali is ofcourse a faggot, and would probably obscure this information, even if it was for the benefit of humankind, like most faggots do.
nah, in fact he doesn't obscure such information in any way \o/
Dude... Doom 3.. Anyone told you that there are actually new, good games out there?
Calling people gay is so late 90s. It's 2010. Gays can even vote! WTF!? First women can vote, now gays? The world is doomed. If only gays were opensource so you could recompile them all.
this page is sponsored by the peaceful religions alliance
Demoscene or atleast if you want to include hackers in that, needs another meeting place. If you include some id, and pictures, the amount of faggots and lamers is reduced. And that is ofcourse they do not want to look at their own picture, to avoid puking. Just put on a lot of makeup, and pretend to be someone else. NO SHAME IN THAT?!?!?!?
Seems that someone didn't read the disclaimer.
I'm not sure you know but you can find pretty easily photos of most users. Except keops.
You can go ahead and use Ballmer's personality as a detractor for Windows but the fact of the matter is that he has done everything in his power to change Microsoft's stance toward developers and the consumer. The 90's Microsoft and Windows was all about controlling the customer and the developers. The 00's Microsoft and Windows is all about listening to the developers and the customer and offering both the best possible experience. Whether you are willing to agree or not, Windows 7 is an excellent OS and while many people disliked Vista, I found it to be way better than XP in so many ways.
To be honest, since Windows 7's emergence, the OS spectrum is reduced to 7 and Mac OS X. One is for the user who wants power and the ability to do everything imaginable at a reasonable price, and the other is the for middle-aged mom who thinks she's a hacker because she figured out how to open iWork.
To be honest, since Windows 7's emergence, the OS spectrum is reduced to 7 and Mac OS X. One is for the user who wants power and the ability to do everything imaginable at a reasonable price, and the other is the for middle-aged mom who thinks she's a hacker because she figured out how to open iWork.
that's because you don't know the right search term on slengpung \o/