Breakpoint 2010 - Like there is no tomorrow
category: parties [glöplog]
Meh i got my times mixed up again...hopefully the Prizegiving and closing ceremony will be put up for download somewhere.

Can someone upload prods ? please please :)
Last BP.TV image ever:

great party again and again. I'm really sad, that it is over now. :<
I love the demoscene, and I loved every breakpoint! Thank you!
I love the demoscene, and I loved every breakpoint! Thank you!
Does someone has a shot of the crowd cheering to scamp, while he was lifted up by the other organizers, during the closing ceremony? Forgot to make one there.
THANKS to all Orgas of the Breakpoint for the excellent, professional live stream. (BPTV). I know: better be at the partyplace, but the live stream also was fantastic ! Thanks for the Breakpoint, and a lot of thumbs up to all sceneres that made all these great demos !!! This Breakpoint was gigantic !!!!
I am so lucky that i at least had the chance to visit at the last breakpoint.... Was an awesome experience, and yeah, too sad its over now :(
Well, what Chainsaw said (period)
This was my first time at Breakpoint, and my first demoparty ever.
Demoscene rocks! Had a fantastic time with all you guys, and I hope to see you again sometime at another party :D
Demoscene rocks! Had a fantastic time with all you guys, and I hope to see you again sometime at another party :D
scene is not dead - it's alive and kicking!
fucking ace, party. thx @ bp-orgas for the climax
fucking ace, party. thx @ bp-orgas for the climax
I had fun but I'm still a tad pissed off about demos being cut in half (and not because of scrolltext). Effort->Drain(). Scheisse.
Really good party, and quality releases all the way in almost every compo. Much much better than last year!!
Not being there, I was very happy that I could see all those wonderful releases live via BPTV. Thanks a lot for making it possible!
That was an awesome party... The only bad thing is the delayed bus to the airport from 14h15 to 15h... I missed my plane and got a 180 euros penalty! :(
until that it was almost perfect
until that it was almost perfect
\o/ total bliss ... vocal cords: severely damaged
Thanks for spinning "Big Fun". That was the whipped cream tip on top of that party.
Thanks for spinning "Big Fun". That was the whipped cream tip on top of that party.
@ix: concidering kb promosed nobody would miss their flight I think if they have money left over from the party you should receive some sort of payback, because I was feeling quite mad about that whole issue until I checked in with 5 minutes to spare. literally. we ran 32 gates down at frankfurt main and just got on the plane in time.
if we would have had the info about the bus delay beforehand we would prob. had taken the taxi....
if we would have had the info about the bus delay beforehand we would prob. had taken the taxi....
23:31 < alk> so I just had a few tears and wobbly chin while talking to my friend about my bp expeirence this weekend.
23:32 < alk> <3
23:32 < alk> <3
yeah, thank you! watched the stream and it was total bliss at some moments!
180€ ! ça fait mal au cul :(
m'enfin bon, elle était belle votre intro :p
m'enfin bon, elle était belle votre intro :p
Brilliant party!
My apologies will start to flow as and when my memories start to return...but the first one goes to ryg^fb, who spent an uncomfortable compostudio sitting on my lap while I cackled, boozed and made crude remarks. Second goes to everyone who was watching said compostudio on the stream - hope you weren't expecting any helpful criticism and analysis, cos okkie kept bringing new crates of beer and...y'know.
My apologies will start to flow as and when my memories start to return...but the first one goes to ryg^fb, who spent an uncomfortable compostudio sitting on my lap while I cackled, boozed and made crude remarks. Second goes to everyone who was watching said compostudio on the stream - hope you weren't expecting any helpful criticism and analysis, cos okkie kept bringing new crates of beer and...y'know.
Btw, I reported my phone as missing at the end of the party, but I found it again, thank god :_)
It was a lot of fun, thanks scamp and all the organisers, the bands that played, anyone who made a cool demo/tune/graphic, the people selling beer, and everyone else who helped make it the best weekend i've had in ages.
I wish I could have attended my first Breakpoint this year, but sadly it was not meant to be. I wish to thank ALL the organizers as well as everyone doing scenesat and bptv, as it allowed me to participate remotely in the scene spirit. Even though the stream broke up a couple of times, and I couldn't communicate with you all, it was a fantastic experience that I will not likely forget. Again, a gigantic thank-you to the organizers!!!
syphus: don't worry, the main problem was that i was tired as fuck and just wanted to go to sleep :)