kaneel new album available for free on petite&jolie
category: general [glöplog]
And yeah, it's actually a non-april-fool... how nice is that?
I'm not used to post a whole thread about my releases on pouet.net but this time, i felt I would be...

59 minutes of postproduced modules released for various compos or other things like PAiN. It's more melodic than some of my usual stuff, it's kind of "kaneelpostchipglitchhop" if you pardon me trying to invent name, it's actually as lame as putting genres to something like that.. :)
direct link (p&j serv.)
direct link (archive)
And yeah, it's actually a non-april-fool... how nice is that?
I'm not used to post a whole thread about my releases on pouet.net but this time, i felt I would be...

59 minutes of postproduced modules released for various compos or other things like PAiN. It's more melodic than some of my usual stuff, it's kind of "kaneelpostchipglitchhop" if you pardon me trying to invent name, it's actually as lame as putting genres to something like that.. :)
direct link (p&j serv.)
direct link (archive)
Nice cover :)
will you be playing them acustic in bingen? :)
Ahahah too bad I'm not heading to bingen... I would have brought my melodica :p
Great work as always.
oh, too bad. have fun in france ;)
"Here is a heart so you can remember how much I hate you" -> Dis-le que tu me detestes, parceque moi je te hais. Tellement, que je vais en mourir...
pretty nice yes :)
Ahahah well, sarcasm, cynicism... thats me Nori :)
noby: whats nice? the album or the message... damn, IM SENDING HEARTS TO THE WORLD!
noby: whats nice? the album or the message... damn, IM SENDING HEARTS TO THE WORLD!
kaneel: the music, but mainly the message, and the music, and also everything else.
Nice cover, nice songs.
C'est un 33 tours ou un maxi 45 ?
@noby: you might love the new songs I'm baking then... again, it's a bit different,
@wullon: thx, you can pay me a beer in paris whenever you want :D
@doh: bah non voyons t'es bête rooooh.
Btw, it's been mastered through tapes.. which bring a lot of sexy crunches
@wullon: thx, you can pay me a beer in paris whenever you want :D
@doh: bah non voyons t'es bête rooooh.
Btw, it's been mastered through tapes.. which bring a lot of sexy crunches
it's cute.

hey will :)
not my style, my ears blead :(