Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Children are lively enough and small enough...
to go down the bathroom drain. It's funny to think about but it's true...

you can go with the water down the bathroom drain.

coriolis effect...
makes bathroom drains spin anticlockwise in north hemisfere, and clockwise in the south..
but according to this graph, they do not work in Equator. and that is why they shit inside magic bags...

wrong thread.
zurt> ha!!

Show us your WiFi-neighbourhood!

Quantum = Windows
Ethereal = Linux
Astral = Dos
The Source = Assembly
..sort of like that!

Hamburg \o/ Spring \o/

but no one wants to look like thatis it a m/f ?
Know why he's wearing a hat? Bald

who''s that man ? :p