Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

poor chopjob...This however;

has got to be the upper limit for what the human frame can even support. Physical culture and BB used to mean some pretty impressive builds from hard work and healthy food. But now....This comes to mind;

greg valentino

...let's try a little beauty...

AND1: Greg Valentino injects oil into his muscles which makes look even more strange then "normal" body builders. :)

AND1: Greg Valentino injects oil into his muscles which makes look even more strange then "normal" body builders. :)
Todays bodybuilders are freakish drug addicts. The modern contest is more about who will survive and make it all the way to the stage.
These guys are the shizznizz when it comes to bodybuilding. The first generations of them was into health first and foremost. many lacto-vegetarians found in their ranks.


awwww...someone is suffering and wants to share. Not working, a little party sick is just not that shocking in 2010. Do you need me to massage your tits to help the lactating?

@emu (2010-03-20 01:16:23): The movie is called Stardust (2007). Has nice a soundtrack to my opinion.
...Einstein? :O
stuff u will never see at ur ikea...

@ xernobil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Sandow

^^ :D
That kinda makes me want to throw-up, phi2x.