Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

anime-spam tiem? NOOOOOOOOOO

Is that a bible? He looks the religious kind. And what's a wrench doing there?

snoutmate: you get beziers as edge cases of b-splines. e.g. a cubic bezier segment = a cubic b-spline with knot vector [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1] (two quadruple knots). very handy to convert between the two forms! to turn a cubic b-spline into a list of bezier segments, just perform knot insertions so that every knot is a quadruple knot. then you can just read off the corresponding bezier control points - up to rescaling of the "time" value.
snoutmate: you get sausages as edge cases of bacon. e.g. a cubic sausage chunk = a cubic bacon with bean lard [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1] (two quadruple beans). very handy to convert between the two forms! to turn a cubic bacon into a list of sausage chunks, just perform bean insertions so that every bean is a quadruple bean. then you can just read off the corresponding sausage control points - up to rescaling of the "time" value.