twitter survey
category: general [glöplog]
It's always amusing that people seem to think they come of as cool by shouting that they don't like something other people like. :) You know what that makes you look like?

"Hey you! GET OFF THE LAWN! Damn kids... Now, how does thing work again?"

gloom: It's not that you come off cool by shouting that you don't like twitter, but rather that you come off un-cool if you admit to using it.
It's like discussing your favourite Backstreet Boy or which WoW character class is cooler, or whether Superman is stronger than The Hulk. It's not trendy or cool, it's just dumb. Like twitter.
It's like discussing your favourite Backstreet Boy or which WoW character class is cooler, or whether Superman is stronger than The Hulk. It's not trendy or cool, it's just dumb. Like twitter.
Touché :) Though Twitter is actually useful, and fun. I know this, because I'm one of those very un-cool users.
aftu>I may, nothing sure for now.
everyone>thank you for taking the survey and posting your comments.
Yes, I didn't understand it at first, but the concepts behind (short messages as a "signal", asymmetrical relationhips between users, each user can be a source, retweet, ...) are quite huge, I think.
everyone>thank you for taking the survey and posting your comments.
Though Twitter is actually useful, and fun
Yes, I didn't understand it at first, but the concepts behind (short messages as a "signal", asymmetrical relationhips between users, each user can be a source, retweet, ...) are quite huge, I think.
symmetrical you mean ?
some twittos make them asymmetrical but that's not the default mode ;)
some twittos make them asymmetrical but that's not the default mode ;)
Don't forget that it's also I good means to tell if we should rob your home or not: please rob me
aftu>no, I meant asymmetrical : I can follow you without you following me.
Je pensais à cet article en écrivant ça : :).
Je pensais à cet article en écrivant ça : :).