My last pure CSS beast
category: general [glöplog]
Once again great work! For a moment I thought "there should be a CSS compo at a party".. But looks like the winner is already clear.
Btw, as a CSS guru you might want to define the background colour of your main site. It doesn't look so good on my default grey bg. ;)
Btw, as a CSS guru you might want to define the background colour of your main site. It doesn't look so good on my default grey bg. ;)
awesome work - again! :D
great stuff!
guess you wrote a script to determine the right position for the coke displacement maps? based on the object positions of the 3d object and some math? or trial and error approximation? thinking on ways to automate the process for any 3d object..
guess you wrote a script to determine the right position for the coke displacement maps? based on the object positions of the 3d object and some math? or trial and error approximation? thinking on ways to automate the process for any 3d object..
considering that a soda can is rotationally symmetric, that makes it a magnitude easier. think of it as a voxel twister ;)
coke displacement map?!

havoc++ :D