Movies you must see before you die
category: offtopic [glöplog]
what dODgE said (about Surrogates).

I don't remember, did I watch this one? I sought the title of it some weeks ago, thx ;)

Last night I saw Pandorum (a film that someone recomended in this thread).
Great space horror film, much better that I expected, with lot of anxiety, claustrophobia, suspense, action and good sci-fi.
Great space horror film, much better that I expected, with lot of anxiety, claustrophobia, suspense, action and good sci-fi.

That body is plain disgusting to be honest.
And here's a good movie:

And here's a good movie:

in this movie, is there a boy that stole a bottle of milk then sleep in the street because just before he decided to stop school and leave his parents (maybe i made a confusion with another french movie of same kind)

Avatar vs. (Battle for) Terra ?
sry, I am a bit late to the Avatar "game", just saw it and it very much reminded me of that other movie. Too bad that films like these are merely illusions (in a cynical sense Avatar could be interpreted as american history rewritten..)
well, check out Terra, good movie. ;)
I just saw "Spun". It was really good, unusual...
And now my recommendation:
(dunno if it was mentioned before)

It has a strange sci-fi like atmosphere.
And now my recommendation:
(dunno if it was mentioned before)

It has a strange sci-fi like atmosphere.
jep, "Spun" was quite disturbing but interesting.
have you seen

One Point O
(.... not perfect but definitely worth watching)
have you seen

One Point O
(.... not perfect but definitely worth watching)
Spun is a low-quality rip of Requiem for a Dream