
Demoscene.TV needs you

category: general [glöplog]
gasman: for the iphone app at least, the equivalent would be the isp offering a free internet connection with free porn channels, but charging for VOD porn they don't have permission to charge for ;)
added on the 2010-01-12 15:31:39 by psonice psonice

"DTV" business model

20,000 euro - server costs (pessimistic estimation)
27,980 euro - cocaine, whores, champagne
2,000 euro - outsourced iPhone dev team in India as backup business plan!
10 euro - aspirine for thinking out this business plan
10 euro - overhead

84,9% government money, 15% charging parties for coverage
0,1% collecting Danish underpants and selling them to gnomes

risk assessment:
to do.

added on the 2010-01-12 16:12:00 by el mal el mal
maali: i guess with this plan they should get shitloads of venture capital from several business angel channels.

(you shoul let DTV pay you for this) :-)
added on the 2010-01-12 17:25:43 by _docd _docd
did you support it 2007-2008 or even this year?
i havent seen you there....but i saw the hard core of the scene beein there.

i haven't seen you there in 2007-2008 either docd, did i miss you or did you fail to show up until travel expenses were covered?
added on the 2010-01-12 17:54:41 by havoc havoc
Please stop with the ISP argument, it's just stupid.
added on the 2010-01-12 19:31:07 by tobé tobé
Rowley: you are sweet. ;-) you hurted me deeply...and its still hurting.

added on the 2010-01-12 19:47:10 by _docd _docd
i'll take that as a yes :)
added on the 2010-01-12 20:09:36 by havoc havoc
sorry hav, but you missed the topic here.
when i would be french, i would ofcourse BE at a french demoparty to support it. even without a paid trip.
and, what you didnt notice: i already apologized @irokos.

due to the fact that im german, i support the major german party ofcourse.
without beeing paid.

why i explain myself? cause i really feel that you are kinda bored and try to annoy me, which honours you - but im so so sorry to tell you that i only answer your bitchslap because im bored aswell.

and for major dissapointment:
thanks to my psych.therapy for not beeing such flamewarass that i was back in the days.... ;-)

added on the 2010-01-12 21:16:20 by _docd _docd
from what Dax told me the donation thing isn't that much about covering the 50k but helping survive until they find a new sponsor.

DTV is cool and it would be nice if it would stay alive, mainly for the live coverage (which is sadly going downhill ATM).
added on the 2010-01-12 21:23:43 by BarZoule BarZoule
docd: wow, you are so really part of the "hard core of the scene"...
added on the 2010-01-12 21:32:26 by havoc havoc
hey... as we all know; demoscene.tv is a lovely site with lovely content.

And I guess I would'nt mind donation some few euros just to keep the site running. As of the 50k budget - I surely don't have enough info/knowledge to comment on that.... It's ALOT of money - but I don't think they ask for that amount at the moment. Lots of the money have been used on equipment, and I guess they have bought the most of what they need atm.

The email I got from DTV states(amongst other things) the following:
"ADAN (Association for Digital Arts Development) is a non profit association"

So... If it's non-profit, and still support the demoscene - I will for sure support this association. The email also state that they are non-commercial. I respect non-commercial/non-profit organizations!

Offcourse I can't tell wether the author(s) of this email is telling me the truth, but in my mind I imagine they are.

I might be way wrong here - but overall I think DTV have done lots of good for the scene and deserves better that this! And hey; Please correct me if I'm wrong ;) (you probably will either way:)

Best regards
added on the 2010-01-12 23:57:19 by response response
Mr.Rowley H. Birkin:
did i say i "saw the hard core" or did i say that i AM the hard core?

playing in such weightclass than i do, doesnt mean that i have a core that causes my own orbit with tiny little sceners flying around me.

but when it comes to "hard", hm, beeing harder than you isnt a serious goal.
a half pund of butter at +30C is harder than you are.
and smarter.

(damn you got me flamin´ argh....need to call my therapist)
added on the 2010-01-13 08:42:30 by _docd _docd
DocD: Der Schlaue gibt immer nach... wenn du dir das bewusst bist, erfährst du innere Zufriedenheit :)

stop flaming.
added on the 2010-01-13 11:33:26 by xTr1m xTr1m
es ist so ein Zwang...ich geb mir Mühe....arglshchr
added on the 2010-01-13 12:36:50 by _docd _docd
docd: you call that "flaming"? please write in german next time, so i can understand what you are mumbling.
added on the 2010-01-13 13:57:56 by havoc havoc
okay in german then - halt die fresse.
added on the 2010-01-13 14:09:34 by _docd _docd
DocD, Havoc, nice job at ruining this thread :)

Btw, i have no problems with 50k for whores and good coke @DTV, if they can find enough sponsors and/or donators it's ok for me. My concern is about ppl being charged for streaming videos (captured from our demos) on the iPhone app. I've asked for the removal of my demo from DTV but i have no news yet and it's still there...
added on the 2010-01-13 14:15:20 by tobé tobé
tobe: I decided to do the same, but was unable to find any e-mail address on their site, so I used that web formular instead. Will be interesting to see what they have to say.
added on the 2010-01-13 18:48:34 by evil evil
Nice, I hope more ppl will ask for removal.
added on the 2010-01-13 19:16:27 by tobé tobé
the video of my demo has been removed.
added on the 2010-01-13 19:19:21 by tobé tobé
Hello all,

Thanks for all your messages. I confess i have felt a lot of good ideas in them but sadly also a lot of noise. If DTV keeps on existing after 5 years, think simply that the noise never managed to reach us.

I wish to state clearly that, apart from NVscene and Assembly who have kindly covered our travel (and for some occasions our accomodation) expenses , we have never been paid or supported financially by any party to do live coverages or report. We have however always been warmly welcomed at whichever party we have been to do our work. Thanks for that.

Thank you for your trust and your supporting messages, they went straight into our hearts.
Thanks to you, the ones who have made donations.
Thanks for your interest in DTV's action and its ethics.

After a cautious reading of all your points, we feel much clearer about our strategy in order to keep this project up, with your insights and involvment.

We have defined several financing sources directions for DTV (even if DTV is access-free from the very start and will always remain, it has a technical cost).

A little reminder on the largely used "free" notion if you allow me, with a very concrete example: any mother gives loves to her children: this is free. Demoscene.tv has running costs in order to host and promote the service. Regarding DTV, i can spend my life asking my mother for love, DTV's cost of operations will still remain!

To pay the DTV's annual cost of operations (50ke), we had planned to combine 3 financial

solutions :

1 - sponsoring
2 - donations
3 - the iPhone app

In a bit more details, this is how we actually (ie in real life) spend our budget:

-1 office for all purposes- work- have meetings- store material- have a legal position (rent, internet, ready to work): 4000 euros/year
- Our hosting and bandwith package: 3600 euros/year
- Regular communication packs and promotions for 1 year (material, concepts, interventions): 1500 euros/year
- Insurance and Bank services: 1000 euros/year (DTV is part of a legal structure with expenses, ie accounts to be approved and people to be insured)
- 1 person staff "making it happen every day": 1 French employee contract for 1700euros/net month (gross 3300 euros/month) which gives a total yearly cost with full charges tax 39600 euros. You know him, it's the one in charge not to respond to your emails or not to link your websites to DTV.

While reading your reactions and suggestions, we now think that the best solution is to reduce costs if we want to keep this project alive.

So, we haven taken the heavy and difficult decision to suppress the job, the too expensive guy who was in charge of communication, technical development and adding of video content (among all other activities linked to Numerica Artparty). Too sad it's the one that has created the DTV platform, got it up and running, has administrated it for the last 5 years, has ensured all live streams optimally (material management included), has developped and helped cool extensions to PLEX and Iphone. And of course, he has ripped and converted around 2000 of demoscene's best productions. That way we clearly save 40KEuros. no surprise, no secret in that.

You can of course send your hugs, love or insult emails to him: tsr@demoscene.tv

For the hosting and maintenance fees, some good souls have showed up with a precious technical support, we are very thankful to them.

As for direct financial support, we're actively looking for sponsors who could help us to keep driving DTV in the same spirit as we do today. This is our main priority.

DTV for the immediate future:
- video content will be added by the community - (we will very shortly add an automatic video encoding device for you)
- this will allow us to put the iPhone app will be entirely free
- no more live coverages are planned.

Once again, thanks to you who have donated, who have placed their trust in us, who allow us to maintain the service while waiting for a nice deal with a nice sponsor.

Now I am sorry not to have time to discuss longer. There will be no more communication from DTV on this topic, as, excuse my french but i have to unload and consume the cocaine truckload arriving to my door. Not to mention that metapat is arriving just now with not less than 6 whores for the staff.

See you at Brokepoint.
added on the 2010-01-17 15:48:30 by Dax Dax
dont forget the champagne!!!1
added on the 2010-01-17 16:38:18 by el mal el mal
good job tsr. too bad the government stopped paying you, but hey, that's life in the semipublic sector!
added on the 2010-01-17 21:08:38 by skrebbel skrebbel
39600 Euros for employee ? And he did 5 years a good job ?

That is: 198.000 Euros for him... I think he earned a nice budget for creating a site running... Say "Thank you" to him and kick him out...

Problem solved.
added on the 2010-01-17 21:25:00 by .. ..
all the hating :(
added on the 2010-01-17 22:19:39 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
