
what is your favorite way to pollute pouet?

category: general [glöplog]
do share!
added on the 2004-05-11 20:17:41 by el mal el mal
I just sit down and wait for Optimus to do it.
added on the 2004-05-11 20:40:13 by puterman puterman
by answering this kind of thread ;-)
added on the 2004-05-11 21:21:10 by {OdS} {OdS}
i like net noise.
added on the 2004-05-11 21:44:24 by Zest Zest
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added on the 2004-05-11 22:57:08 by havoc havoc
I like to add my crappy stupid intros :)
like this one
added on the 2004-05-11 23:36:33 by Someone Someone
The town is Z.
added on the 2004-05-13 13:39:48 by Optimus Optimus
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added on the 2004-05-13 14:04:50 by willbe willbe
Lynddy England aproves!

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added on the 2004-05-13 14:08:33 by okkie okkie
