Here's kick a@@ game
category: general [glöplog]

w00t. new game to try.
The depth of the ball in relation to the paddle is fucked. I can't tell what the distance is.
Practice my man Practice, You'll get the hang of this.
If you really want to play kick ass games, you better play one of those found at:
rrootage, noisz2a, parsec47
rrootage, noisz2a, parsec47
erm.. welltris? (15 years ago)
Ya, I was going to say, that looks a LOT like Welltris...
Still a lot of fun, cheers mike :)
Still a lot of fun, cheers mike :)
not really welltris apart from the playing field... however i remember a game called "3d space simulator" or whatever with the same functionality plus a spaceship shooter game added.
damn, and i wanted to piss my money away on HL2 and doomIII ..pfff what was i thinking?!.
After further playing this game I have a suggestion for new players. Turn the shadow on. It's the only way to know if the ball is close to your paddle.
Yes Patrick has a very good point, Go to the options menu and set it up first
Thanks Bud for that quick cue
Thanks Bud for that quick cue
Ya when i 1st saw it i though hey that's welltris! Great PD Amiga game.
PD Libraries, now those were cool :) damn internet.
And for those wondering where Team17 came from, dig around for into on a PD team called 17Bit :) I know you prolly weren't but just thought i'd mention ;p
PD Libraries, now those were cool :) damn internet.
And for those wondering where Team17 came from, dig around for into on a PD team called 17Bit :) I know you prolly weren't but just thought i'd mention ;p
really kewl 1
rRootage, parsec47 !!! Hooray to Kenta Cho ! :)
Woo yay for Japanese Freeware Games! Be sure to check out CHO REN SHA. kthx.
More fucked up Japanese freeware mania: Every Extend
"Is anyone even surprised that this kind of stuff would come from Japan? That whole country is like Bizarro world. They do everything we do, just in a really strange way. It reminds me of that scene in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" where they go near Toontown, and you can see clouds of smoke and yelling and fighting and all sorts of haywire shit happening above the horizon to signify the complete and total lunacy of the place. Japan is just like that. The whole world continuously scratches its head at the far east, then sits back and watches to see what wacky thing the Japanese will do next. I mean, I'm sure the culture is swell once you get past all the incest and pedophilia and giant robots and all, but after that--huh? Japan is super crazy place, 100 PERCENT!"
(Ishkar's Guide to Electronic Music - JPop)
(Ishkar's Guide to Electronic Music - JPop)
Japanese freeware games are the best indeed. I'm not playing much, but when I do, it's most likely this sort of stuff. :)
Being playing it for weeks