The future of demos: 2010-2019
category: general [glöplog]
Demoscene is this offshoot of emoscene where you use a Gameboy to show noise, glitches and fractals on a bigscreen. This often happens in a club or a pompous "underground art festival", and you often have a funny hairstyle and give angsty interviews.
"Oldskoolers" will be those who are trying to convince people that the demoscene is all about music-synchronized cubes and ribbons, but no one is going to hear them.
Demoscene is this offshoot of emoscene where you use a Gameboy to show noise, glitches and fractals on a bigscreen. This often happens in a club or a pompous "underground art festival", and you often have a funny hairstyle and give angsty interviews.
"Oldskoolers" will be those who are trying to convince people that the demoscene is all about music-synchronized cubes and ribbons, but no one is going to hear them.
In 2019, the demoscene article on Wikipedia will also state "it all started when with ancient consoles such as Commodore 64 and TB-303"
"What's a Gameboy?"
"What's a Gameboy?"
"Gameboy: the portable game console by Nintendo, a more or less a portable Wii with good controls, also known as DS. 15 different models have been released, every new one being half compatible with its predecessor."
"What's a Wii?"
"What's a Wii?"
Demoscene is this offshoot of emoscene where you use a Gameboy to show noise, glitches and fractals on a bigscreen. This often happens in a club or a pompous "underground art festival", and you often have a funny hairstyle and give angsty interviews.
fucking lol
"What? CPU? did you mean GPU?"
"What? CPU? did you mean GPU?"
cpu is gonna be like the kangaroos' male chromosome which shrinked until it's just BOOL GENDER;
"What's a Wii?"
"Wii: the unportable game console by Nintendo, a more or less an unportable Gameboy with bad controls, also known as Gamecube 2.0. 1 (different) model(s) have been released, every new one being half incompatible with its predecessor."
2016: first demo running on a live mouse!
2021: first demo running on spexzter / darklite (and nobody sees the difference)
2021: first demo running on spexzter / darklite (and nobody sees the difference)
2011: Introduction of the oldskool 4k intro maker.
2013: Introduction of a new demoeffect called "rayfaked bobflare".
2016: M$ introduces a new OS which makes it impossible to make 4k`s on, end of the 4k era.
2019: Apple releases a game console which comes with a stock library of converted BITS productions to show off the huge capabilities of this new console.
2013: Introduction of a new demoeffect called "rayfaked bobflare".
2016: M$ introduces a new OS which makes it impossible to make 4k`s on, end of the 4k era.
2019: Apple releases a game console which comes with a stock library of converted BITS productions to show off the huge capabilities of this new console.