
I need to be fit. Any suggestions?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
216: I don't think you should follow anything blindly, but it makes more sense to learn about homones from people who have used them than those who haven't.
added on the 2009-11-10 16:08:11 by Wade Wade
Optimus: Exactly. Everyone's body is different and reacts in different ways. Some people gain fat or muscle easily, yet some people never seem to gain weight. There are many ways to achieve your goal, but you have to find out what works best for you and which seems easiest to achieve.

Unfortunately, there's so much misinformation out there from people who have no experience with the subject, it's hard to know what to follow and what to avoid. This is why I chose to take the advice of bodybuilders and models over that of professors and columnists.
added on the 2009-11-10 16:12:10 by Wade Wade
I started to write down what I eat and I have few questions.

Sometimes some foods doesn't write all of the elements or they do write:

1) diet fiber
2) sugars
Which one is the bad one? I think sugars but I am not sure..

- saturated
I think saturated is the bad one? Or not?

What happens if some foods write just carbohydrates or fat and don't make any distinction?

Of course for some it might be enough to just count what I eat but I have the curiosity to see the different totals of bad carbohydrates or bad fat each day and compare my progress compared to the weight.

Sometimes I search on googles for calories and food. Is there a specific site that you suggest that has all these distinction values and a lot of food?

Also I find that bananas had enough carbohydrates (I remember someone saying for diet fruits but avoid bananas). What do you suggest from fruits that will be safe enough?

I have been eating few stuff these days but maybe I will need to have something to eat in greater quantities to keep me from being hungry (because I might need some power to work and I was sick these days but not from diet and I needed some food power), but still being safe enough. Of course I know that nothing eating in tons is good, but I won't eat in tons, I will eat something that I can eat in a bit greater quantities if I get hungry or I need energy to study or something.
added on the 2009-11-12 14:07:35 by Optimus Optimus
about fat:

fat from fish and plants == good
fat from milk, cows, etc == bad

(doesn't mean that you shouldn't consume ANY milk and/or meat of course ;) )
added on the 2009-11-12 15:05:20 by Puryx Puryx
better use nfs instead of fat
added on the 2009-11-12 15:16:27 by el mal el mal
added on the 2009-11-12 15:18:03 by wWales wWales
Here's a useful site for nutritional information...


You can also buy small pocket books that give you a more detailed breakdown and are really cheap too.

In terms of good carbs, the obvious ones are wholemeal foods (pasta, bread, cereals and certain fruit and veg). The bad ones are mostly white...even potatoes are best limited if possible.

As for fruits, a lot of people make the mistake of eating loads of fruit thinking it's good for weight loss. Although fruit is really good for you, most of it does contain sugars and is best eaten in moderation (personally, I avoid bananas altogether).

But don't worry about being too strict too soon. For the first month or so, just work on cutting down all the high calorie, high fat food. The carb counting can come later when you've cut down on everything else.
added on the 2009-11-12 15:43:57 by Wade Wade
Sorry, link didn't work. Try this:

added on the 2009-11-12 15:44:44 by Wade Wade
some advice for optimus: spend as much time on exercising as on trolling and you'll be skinny in no time
added on the 2009-11-12 17:07:17 by havoc havoc
This might be helpful: http://www.wolframalpha.com/

It has nutritional information for all kinds of food. Enter "kiwi" or "cheeseburger" or something and it will list what's in it like this:
BB Image

Also, you can enter "bmi calculator" to get a calculator for that kind of stuff.
added on the 2009-11-12 18:27:07 by jua jua
what to eat to keep you from being hungry: have 5-6 meals/day, i.e. one meal every 3 hours, because then you don't really have to wait all that much for your next meal anyway... in between, don't eat, but drink water (which makes you feel less empty + keeps your brain turned on), and chew a chewing gum (you also need that for your teeth if you eat more frequently than brushing your teeth). that should do the trick...

i think it's good to have a quick and simple calorie / macronutrient table around, e.g. http://www.myfoodbuddy.com/foodCalorieTable.htm
added on the 2009-11-12 19:29:10 by Ger Ger
The best way to get fit is to eat lots of cake.
added on the 2009-11-12 19:53:18 by doomdoom doomdoom
optimus: fibers are good!

bananas contain a lot more energy than say.. an apple. But a banana is still healthy, you would have to eat like 20 bananas to match what's in a bar of chocolate.

I recommend weight watchers! I know it's boring and tedious to keep track of all that stuff, but I've seen it work.
added on the 2009-11-12 22:13:11 by farfar farfar
coup de coeur for The Hacker's Diet.
added on the 2009-11-12 22:46:45 by 0xF 0xF
doom: The cake is a LIE!
Continuing the flame war, Wade Wade Wade...

Firstly, if you really eat all that protein, your long term health IS at risk.

Secondly, muscle mass does not equal good health. Most bodybuilders are very unhealthy due to whacked out diets, countless supplements, and other questionable materials.

In fact, bodybuilders often aren't even strong, despite their appearance. Muscles work together to produce movement, not individually as one would find in most weight training routines. Additionally, people who weight train exclusively often have super-weak core muscles. Sumo wrestlers make look fat, but they could snap you in half. (They do many core exercises. And you should see the medicine ball they use -- it's made of stone!.)

Thirdly, Bill Pearl. Mr. Universe winner, vegetarian, and now 80 years old and still healthy. If you're just interested in appearance, fine, but Optimus seems to be concerned about long-term health, much like our friend Mr. Pearl.

Finally, your pictures. Sorry, but I have as much muscle mass, complete with a healthy diet, strong core muscles, and a resting heart rate of 42. For me, being genuinely healthy is far more important than posing on the internet.

Your advice smells entirely of fad. Have fun in your future years...
Thom: It's true that muscle mass doesn't equal good health, but you seem to be referring to stereotypes, as if all bodybuilders are juiced up, sluggish freaks. Not really an educated argument.

In fact, I and most people I know who are into bodybuilding have much healthier lifestyles than the average person and perform plenty of cardio exercises.

I'm also really confused why you think bodybuilders neglect their core muscles. Most free weight exercises are compound exercises so they work several muscle groups in one go and lifts such as squats and deadlifts are done purposely to strengthen core muscle groups.

Bill Pearl used steroids and even as a vegitarian you can bet he ate plenty of protein - whey, casein and eggs for example. Good to know he's still healthy at 80 though.

I do value my appearance and admit it's a really good source of motivation, but I don't make a habit of posing. I often help people who need to lose or gain weight and I just put that link on my site to show I have done it, to motivate people and to show I'm not full of hot air.
added on the 2009-11-13 02:51:29 by Wade Wade
What??? You must be joking. Lift, squats, and dead-lifts do very little for core muscles. Try medicine balls, swiss balls, suspension training (TRX fucking rocks. It truly does.), balance boards, etc..

(One thing that hasn't been mentioned is plyometric training, something which bodybuilders don't do.)

Bill Pearl openly admits to steroid use, true, but when he won his last competition a nearly age 40, he was 'roid free, and had been for some time.

Anyway, whatever. You stick to your models and bodybuilders for advice (as you stated elsewhere), and I'll stick to athletes, fitness professionals, and my life-long experience. (And a properly varied diet.)
optimus is now known as lardman
I don't know what core muscles you're talking about Thom, but squats strengthen the glutes, obliques, the back and many more. You obviously didn't know that though.

Sure, there are many effective ways to get fit, strong and healthy, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone discredit free weights before.

These posts of yours are showing a lot of holes in your "expertise".
added on the 2009-11-13 11:39:29 by Wade Wade
Even if you live a perfectly balanced life and do everything "just right", you're still only playing a game of statistics (and you can't escape genetic predispositions, either). Which is why you have fat, diabetic smokers living into their 100s and so on. Yet people happily convince themselves that if you don't eat fat you absolutely won't have a heart attack, and if you don't smoke you absolutely won't get cancer, and blah blah. The world is random, deal with it.

What's true generally is that bodybuilders care more about looks than health. Doesn't mean they're not strong and healthy up to a point (maybe up to the point they realise they can only gain like 2 kg of muscle mass in a year without roids). Athletes aren't interested in health, either; they care about performance. They need strong, fast muscles today, and they can worry about fucked up joints and tendons later in life (and they will).
added on the 2009-11-13 11:42:36 by doomdoom doomdoom
