
IQ and shit.

category: general [glöplog]
“Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your days with idiots you seal your own fate.”
let that be a warning... now fuck off, adok!
added on the 2008-12-06 19:57:05 by el mal el mal
same applies to any other thing ppl get born with or not...if you get born with a huge dick maybe some women like the big ones...others dont....

so is it really of importance which conditions we got through our genes ?

Come on now. I get your point but you're saying it's OK that some people are smarter than others because there are conceivably circumstances where being dumb is better than being smart? Sounds a bit like when rich people say money won't make you happy, all the while clinging to their money because not having it would make them unhappy. And like when poor people are eager to buy into it too because then they imagine they have something rich people can never have when in fact the only reason rich people don't have it is because they don't want it.

added on the 2008-12-08 12:03:59 by doomdoom doomdoom
IQ isn't meant for certain race it is random(or more like fated) for any race/kind of humans so i wouldn't be surprised if i found some1 from middle-east or w/e (what mentioned in that stupid artical) surpass loladok we all humans have same body (in general) so yeah why would u assume it for one race?
and yeah u could find smart ppl (in the way they think) even yet they might not have (same level as ex. adok? in knowledge) it is matter of our bodies and the way we got raised as.
but tbh i doubt IQ now -_-; after seeing some1 like Adok and i don't believe it from start cause it raises hater between ppl.

added on the 2008-12-08 23:58:34 by panic panic
c´mon its smart to be able to cancel the bacteria and viruses.
proove iQ..
added on the 2008-12-09 01:58:30 by gentleman gentleman
added on the 2008-12-09 02:00:09 by gentleman gentleman
A survey of members of Mensa (the High IQ Society) in Canada in the mid-1980s found that 44 per cent of them believed in astrology, 51 per cent believed in biorhythms and 56 per cent believed in aliens (Skeptical Inquirer, vol 13, p 216).
added on the 2009-11-12 17:06:00 by Optimus Optimus
fuck you
It's good to have a high IQ, but remember that it's a percentile. Compare to wages; you could be in the 2nd percentile (top 2%) of all the professionals in your profession, but if the wages go lower and lower it doesn't mean you're well paid ;)

IQ is worth nothing on its own, and you will neither get chicks, appreciation, money, or a coveted job with a high IQ alone. You also need skills (could be verbal/motor/design skills depending on what you do), information (as in finding out how the stuff you're doing something with works, actual facts, and raw data), and above all willpower to do something with that high IQ before you die. You alone choose what to make time for.

My IQ is 140, haven't bothered applying for a Mensa test cos I don't need a number to show I can think well... having it it's less important than doing stuff with it.
added on the 2009-11-12 17:07:11 by Photon Photon
Photon: you're only half right there. A high IQ won't get you very far in the short term, but you just need a little patience. Wait for him to come down. Then he'll get you chicks, a high paid job, and all the other benefits of winning demo compos.
added on the 2009-11-12 17:11:33 by psonice psonice
having it it's less important than doing stuff with it

that's what people say when they have a small dick!
Mina skitar har en IQ på 10, det är mer än vad en medelsvensk har!
added on the 2009-11-12 18:12:34 by Frost Frost
psonice: Winning democompos gets you chicks? I thought spending all free time coding was kind of a girl repellant... hehehe.

:§: Well, "Having a high IQ is less important than doing stuff with that high IQ", then. It was more about creating something in your lifetime that only you could have created, than dick-size. ;)

Frost: daym! äreså? :)
added on the 2009-11-24 00:29:04 by Photon Photon
photon is close to correct:

IQ-Tests are measured through raw data...the more you know, the more you can answer !
plus it needs some grasp of how things work !
plus the will to think about sth first instead of just relying on what one once got taught !

if you want to be a good cook f.e.:
you need to know what fits together, how (long) you have to cook it and if the person having to eat it likes what you are cooking ! ( knowledge -> raw data ! )
but also you need to have the feeling ( grasp ) when to turn around the steak f.e. , so it wont burn down to sth black&uneatable ! ( alltho this is more of learning_by_doing, the more often you try, the better results you´ll yield, so in the end its just more raw data ! )

so IQ-tests do say nothing at all !

just keep thinking about what you´re doing right now instead of thinkng about how to impress that girl/boy or what to wear to that wedding etc etc ( while you cook ! )
what the fuck!

most people wont have success with that things they think! and thats for sure!
added on the 2009-11-24 00:55:34 by gentleman gentleman
*at least that goes for 2009 a.d.
added on the 2009-11-24 00:57:36 by gentleman gentleman
you didnt get me ;)
if you read a thread, read that thread...do it carefully and dont think about ( too much ) other stuff while at it ! ( so you´ll get it next time :P )
if you cook, think about what could be making your food taste even better, like changing positions of stuff in your pan, so every piece in it will get the same amount of heat over time, if you put salt/pepper/etc. it could be important to not throw a big bunch of salt onto one piece leaving all other pieces unsalted !

also that post above was an answer to Photons Question in another thread anyway ;)
always feel good with what you´re doing RIGHT NOW is all i wanted to say anyway ! ( so everything will work out less or more good in the end anyway ! )

i´m just a primate leaving my 2bits here and i mustn´t be right, but i always went out the good way by living like that !
hehehe :) im not good in reading threads carefully ;))

if i cook i try to think of some stuff to make the stuff hot!
added on the 2009-11-24 01:07:36 by gentleman gentleman
