category: general [glöplog]
is it safe to buy flight tickets yet? as in, will bp happen next easter? :)
saw some pretty good cheap deals for tickets...
i intend to go, but i didn't even manage to get to sundown in the last few years and thats just down the road :-(
I think some people (whom I cannot recall the name of right now) talked about it in the lines of "if BP doesn't happen, we'll make it happen, some form or another" ;)
rumours say that bp2010 is planned for christmas 2013
i heard it will be the best BP2010 ever.
Sep 29 20:06:44 <ryg> official statement: there's now a bp2010 wiki since last wiki.
Sep 29 20:07:24 <ryg> er, since last *week*. :)
i hope bp2010 will happen! also, now that nvidia stopped making gpus and temis is selling fish, you're happily invited to atiscene2010 in lutjebroek, holland. less details on that coming soon!
a repost is in order!

will be best 2010 bp ever no matter what happens... !
if alle stricken reissen, make the campfire even bigger than the ever first bp-campfire there was ! ;)
fly in some andy garcia....no,wait...we have truck already instead anyway !
it´ll be a blast no matter how hard we´ll have to suffer...bp will survive in hearts and stay there forever !
dont forget to save some pyros, theyll even work 4 months later, so keep em, dont burn it all away ;)
if alle stricken reissen, make the campfire even bigger than the ever first bp-campfire there was ! ;)
fly in some andy garcia....no,wait...we have truck already instead anyway !
it´ll be a blast no matter how hard we´ll have to suffer...bp will survive in hearts and stay there forever !
dont forget to save some pyros, theyll even work 4 months later, so keep em, dont burn it all away ;)
i should try to show up this year...
I should get started with arranging the bus soon...
i should try to show up this year...
i fear it's too late for that.
I already bought plane ticket and reserved hotel room from Bingen. Fun part is, that my wife is coming with me. She is not coming to the party, but just wants to see Bingen, Frankfurt and so on. If there is no Breakpoint in Bingen, we will just spend weekend in Germany. It's a win-win situation either case. I
Whole trip for two, when bought this early, cost as much as my trip alone to BP09.
Whole trip for two, when bought this early, cost as much as my trip alone to BP09.
There will be a breakpoint for sure, but Bingen? SCAMP!
Come to Punto de Quiebre 2010 at Argentina, best demoparty ever!
The BP 2010 site looks crap!
no, it's stylish!
This thread should have been called "The Random German Demoparty That Takes Place in Bingen at Easter in 2010 Thread".
Now that the elections are over, the political issues in Bingen that we had this year should be a matter of the past - the politician that messed up is no longer in office, the replacement is Breakpoint-friendly.
But anyway: We are in the early phase of starting organizing, so neither the location is confirmed nor is there a budget or sponsors. A definitive confirmation that there will be a Breakpoint 2010 is not to be expected before December.
(vscd: It's the other way round. If there will be a Breakpoint, it will be in (or close to) Bingen.)
On the other hand: If you see dirt-cheap plane tickets for the easter weekend, it's probably a good idea to book them, even if there is the risk that there won't be a Breakpoint - if that ever happens, there for sure will be an alternative form of meeting, and there are always other things to do in the region.
But anyway: We are in the early phase of starting organizing, so neither the location is confirmed nor is there a budget or sponsors. A definitive confirmation that there will be a Breakpoint 2010 is not to be expected before December.
(vscd: It's the other way round. If there will be a Breakpoint, it will be in (or close to) Bingen.)
On the other hand: If you see dirt-cheap plane tickets for the easter weekend, it's probably a good idea to book them, even if there is the risk that there won't be a Breakpoint - if that ever happens, there for sure will be an alternative form of meeting, and there are always other things to do in the region.
I hear the scenery is lovely.
gloom: indeed it is. This year, Bingen was a very pleasant place to be compared to Norway at that time. Andersson, Archmage and myself had a wonderful tour sightseeing the castle and its surroundings on Saturday morning. It was almost worth the whole trip, having a beer and enjoying the view from up there. Very nice.
some of the finnish sceners went last year to rüdesheim (the village on the other side of rhine) by ferry to check the huge statue up on the hill and other stuff. the local wine was sooo good that we bought several bottles of it to take it back to home with us - and then ended up drinking them all the same evening we got back to partyplace... definitely gonna do it again next year!
hmm maybe i should just book the planetickets and hotel right now. should be dirt cheap (the ~200 spent last year wasnt bad either).
i would book now if i'd have the money