new farbrausch website online now!
category: general [glöplog]
hehehe, teh lolz :)
heh, nice skit guys :D
the feature war is on! pouet vs. farbrausch: who will conquer the scene?
although it can be argued that FR already did so...
pommak: it's only available if you're ranked "ruler" or higher, sorry. :)
If that Solo2 is indeed real, he showed up amazingly fast.
awesome :D
this is kinda funny. fr can pull it off. <- not found.
hahaha great!
So are we supposed to comment on Pouet en from now on when a new FR prod. hits the streets ?
Talking about that a new kick ass demo from the(fr-) team of the popular demo and debris would be nice :)
Talking about that a new kick ass demo from the(fr-) team of the popular demo and debris would be nice :)
Ein Schlag Zwei!
zplex: oops. its there now.
I can't find the Random Image Thread
Plz send help, I'm trapped in some kind of recursive loop.
rumour: Solo2 joined Farbrausch...
retropunk look is trendy!
why do the background have to be blue. im sick of the blue.
I laughed
i guess this has been asked before but, is there a logic in the following list?
- fr-01: fb, rp, th
- fr-02: raum, klang und design
- fr-03: monochromie ist nichts
- fr-04: hinein in farbe und form
- fr-05: konsum
- fr-06: black 2000
- fr-07: luke
- fr-08: .the .product
- fr-09: goldrausch
- fr-010.scx: art
- fr-011: ms2001 invitation
- fr-012: kapital
- fr-013: flybye
- fr-014: garbage collection
- fr-015: la sculpture
- fr-016: bytes
fr-016b: 5 bytes less - fr-017: area 51
- fr-018: aGb
- fr-019: poemtoahorse.
- fr-020: in control
- fr-021: D (Stands For)
- fr-022: ein.schlag
- fr-024: welcome to...
- fr-025: the.popular.demo
- fr-026: 34b mul & cycle
- fr-027: Out of the blue
- fr-028: brullwurfel
- fr-029: dopplerdefekt
- fr-030: candytron
- fr-031: faded memories
- fr-032: e.t.
- fr-034 / hjb-104: time index
- fr-035: deleted scenes
- fr-036: zeitmaschine
- fr-037: the code inside
- fr-038: theta
- fr-039: collage faction
- fr-040
- fr-041: debris.
- fr-044: patient zero
- fr-045: life after
- fr-046: basso continuo
- fr-047: malpasset
- fr-048: precision
- fr-049: of spirits taken
fr-049b-minus - fr-051: brotkaestchen
- fr-052: platinum
- fr-053: back in time
- fr-054: polar
- fr-055: 828
- fr-056: gravity of the moon
- fr-057.cns: Arancia
- fr-058: disintegrates
- fr-059: momentum
- fr-060: tonikum
- fr-061: id08
- fr-065: euphotic
- fr-066: farbrausch 3.11
fr-016c: fuenf (in your face)
yeti, does it matter? :)
yeti, fr-023, fr-033, fr-042, etc... might still be in the works. :)