
I need to be fit. Any suggestions?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
harism: i loled
added on the 2009-11-04 17:32:47 by imbusy imbusy

There, for starters.
added on the 2009-11-04 18:58:13 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
I second the Hacker's Diet, but only for reading and not for actually following. Reading it clears up a lot of things (ie. yes, it really is all about calorie counting) but then you get to find something on your own.

I did Weight Watchers and lost 30 pounds. The online tool helped me figure out what the caloric content of stuff was, including fast food like Taco Bell, and helped me make some small compromises (no sour cream or cheese on that burrito) that helped me eat less calories than I burned. But you don't need weight watchers, you can just simply eat a little less.

I swear, it truly is that easy. I didn't change my lifestyle at all. Now, I lost those 30 pounds over a period of about 8 months, but because it took so long I didn't notice it.

I think the benefits of exercise don't outweigh the benefit of eating less. For example, an hour of heavy cardio burned about 600 calories for me. But I could simply NOT EAT DONUTS (used to have two a morning) and save 800 calories.

Rad Man recently (last year) became a runner, and now runs a lot of 5K and 10Ks. He looks great, but only running 5K or more a day will get you to that point. He runs a 5k or 10k almost every single weekend. He actually eats more than you or me, to fuel the running. This is a pretty fucking extreme way to lose weight though -- you don't need to go that crazy.

So, I recommend eating about 300 calories less a day (really easy to do, most guys eat 2000 or more a day) and also play about 30 mins of DDR (not easy, but fun) to burn another 300 calories a day. That's 600 less a day for a total of 4200 a week, which is a loss of about 1.2 pounds or 0.5 kilos a week. Do that for a year and you'll have lost 50 pounds/25 kilos!

If you need some helpful incentives: My chronic back and knee pain went away after the first 15 pounds, and my sex life got better too :)

Good luck!
added on the 2009-11-05 08:02:02 by trixter trixter
what worked for me: realize that your current shape sucks. go find a sport that is so addictive that you eventually would stop coding/poueting for it (really, there is something else out there!) you just need to realize that it is great to be tired out (due to sports). and finally: stop too much carbs/sugar, too much fat, eat balanced, manage your energy.

get balance in your life, stop stuff you hate.

btw, i got down from 140kg to 95kg the days back then. everything was fine until i broke my left wrist 4 times in a row of 2 yrs due to excessive/dangerous sports. as i was unable to exercise i started to sit around and eat.... so i gained lots of kilos (again). good thread, reminds me of doing something on my own.

it's not like you simply go on diet for a year and a half and then you can go back to your normal lifestyle. it needs to be a constant change.
added on the 2009-11-05 09:28:33 by prost prost
Trixter: I lost 15 kilos in 4 months by just eating less (and slightly more healthy) and working out once a week (1 hour, sometimes a little more). After I moved, I haven't had the energy (heh) to find a new place to work out, but the weight is stable due to more housework :)
added on the 2009-11-05 09:46:37 by gloom gloom
I second what gloom says .. the diet part is really really important. I can recommend weight watchers too, as it's not really a diet, it's more of a system that lets you figure out how many calories you're taking in VS what you ought to be taking in, and so gives you a more realistic image of just how 'expensive', calorie-wise, some foods are for you.

Other than that .. find a couple of mates and start running with them, or going to the gym, or spinning.. whatever you like doing, really, as long as you have someone keeping you to it.
added on the 2009-11-05 10:50:44 by farfar farfar
Eat less and walk more.
added on the 2009-11-05 10:53:03 by ham ham
I forgot to mention...eat plenty of protein! Chicken breasts/fillets, turkey, egg whites and tuna are very lean protein sources. You can eat loads of the stuff without gaining fat.

Not only is protein filling and keeps the hunger at bay, it will stop your body burning muscle mass instead of fat - an essential fact that too many dieters neglect.
added on the 2009-11-05 11:04:04 by Wade Wade
Chicken breasts/fillets, turkey, egg whites and tuna are very lean protein sources. You can eat loads of the stuff without gaining fat.

Bullshit. Unless you're competing in the Tour de France, eating "loads" of anything digestible will lead to excess fat accumulation.

If you need some helpful incentives: My chronic back and knee pain went away after the first 15 pounds, and my sex life got better too :)

...the assumption being you have someone to have sex with... ;)
added on the 2009-11-05 11:53:50 by raer raer
Bullshit. Unless you're competing in the Tour de France, eating "loads" of anything digestible will lead to excess fat accumulation.

By "loads", I don't mean bucket loads. I'm assuming the readers here have a bit of common sense.

You'd most likely get full and bloated long before you gain excess fat from those lean protein sources.
added on the 2009-11-05 11:57:05 by Wade Wade
...the assumption being you have someone to have sex with... ;)
Or rather that he found someone to have sex with more frequently after losing them?
we should think about having a gym at bp2010. every bp adds some kilos to my weight :(
added on the 2009-11-05 12:12:16 by prost prost
A relatively easy way to lose weight is to eat less carbohydrates. I stopped eating any pasta, rice or potatoes on weekdays (no restrictions on weekends) and my weight dropped 8kg in a couple of months.
the best way to lose weight is to develop a heroin addiction
added on the 2009-11-05 13:26:16 by havoc havoc
Or just cut off a leg. easily saves you 8 KG?
added on the 2009-11-05 13:28:10 by Rob Rob
good point! optimus, if you're following mr bierbaard's suggestion, please don't forget to dip the rather blunt knife in a public toilet first :)
added on the 2009-11-05 13:38:39 by havoc havoc
depends on your definition of fit.

* less weight: diet

a strict diet is dull, boring and kills all fun in your life. i think you'd rather be fat and enjoy yourself. however, a moderate, easier to maintain diet helps. easy stuff like skipping the midnight snacks and fry-ups, not drinking during the week. stick to a couple of small meals per day (i do 4).

a meal that's too big is the worst that can happen. like wade says, you'll feel good for 1 minute and then your body will go mad trying to digest all that food. you'll lose energy like mad. you'll probably need an hour or two on the couch to get over it ;) you'll also put on weight because of the excess calories.

* better stamina, strength: exercise

exercise can also reduce your weight, but slowly. you can pick up running, or even worse staircliming.
but i think it's safe to say you need to have the right body for it. if you're overweight, it's a death wish. pure hell on the joints. a better alternative is cycling or swimming. this you can do until you're a grandpa without hurting yourself.

the main point in exercise is building strength and stamina. and actually this will make you feel good. after a good exercise you may feel very energetic because you break up with your usual worries, your body feels stronger, and yeah, you can get high on the adrenalin and endorphins.

pick a sport you can handle and one you enjoy. fitness is imho the worst kind: because you focus on a perfect photoshopped body, and yet you'll never get there. a sport can be good for your social skills, and exciting. to find the right one for you can be hard. in school there were only athletics and ballgames.. which imho sucked rhino dick. much much much later on.. after i kinda put my demoscene activities in the freezer.. i discovered rockclimbing. this was totally my sport. i'm now 2.5 years into it and i've loved every minute.


yeah, heroin addiction is great too. you'll get fucking high and your brain will blow chunks into the milkyway. use some dirty needles and get that amputation for free at the hospital!
added on the 2009-11-05 13:56:54 by earx earx
I'd say amphetamine, or maybe ecstasy.
added on the 2009-11-05 14:18:32 by leGend leGend
cool. when will you say it?
added on the 2009-11-05 19:29:05 by farfar farfar
i would suggest to re-arrange your eating habits. it's more healthy than simply "eating less".

go for an abbundant breakfast, a good lunch, and a light dinner. try to skip carbs for dinner, chances are it will all turn into fat while you sleep (it's not as simple as that, but the actual process is more lenghty to explain here).

try to eat a small snack in between the 2 "big" meals. try to feed your body every 3 hours.

you need to cut on the "bad" food especially crisps and canned foods. if you can't do without pizza and burgers, cook them yourself. go for a veggie + tuna pizza, and only eat 3 portions.

and most importantly try to get involved in some sort of physical activity. i know that gym and jogging are boring, so do as I did, try martial arts, dancing and go to a fitness class where all the girls wear spandex!

your body will adjust in a matter of months. if it worked for me, it will for you too.
added on the 2009-11-05 20:58:42 by mop mop
just run a bit. there are 100's of startup-programs on the net - make sure you start out with a short idstance, and have plenty of breaks. That way you wont feel like it is impossible.
added on the 2009-11-05 21:02:16 by Puryx Puryx
A relatively easy way to lose weight is to eat less carbohydrates. I stopped eating any pasta, rice or potatoes on weekdays (no restrictions on weekends) and my weight dropped 8kg in a couple of months.

Yep: you have to be careful with carbohydrates like bread, pasta, ...
even more with hyper caloric stuff like oil / butter.

Also super alcoholics can be bad (i.e. Vodka is around 240 calories for each 100ml).
added on the 2009-11-05 21:55:42 by bdk bdk
