
scene social security!

category: general [glöplog]
except for having a donate button on his homepage, did he do anything wrong?

^^ he entered pouet ! ofcoz all the trolls including me have nothing better to do than trying to be funny !

what phönix said applies to life 100% correctly btw: i hated StingRay for his prod-comments for some longer time already, but when he started a chat via irc with me yesterday it all changed in like 5 minutes ! i really like this dude by now !!

^^textfile.pouet ;)

dear jason: change your second name immediately, only Bon Scott is real (aussie) Scott and allowed to use that name, eventho he´s dead ;) !! <-- welcome to pouet !!! we all are insane and like to make trolling olympic ;)
Gloom: I know your christmas party example wasn't a realistic comparison, but you are suggesting that a) there was name-calling, and that b) NVScene was meant for your (European) friends and that certain Americans were not welcome. I know that's exaggerating, but that's how some of us from this side of the pond could interpret it.

Then it was a bad example, because it wasn't meant to be interpreted literally, like you do above. That said: a) there was a sour vibe at certain times, initiated by someone who felt pissed off that there was a new party in his "neighbourhood", including the time when this certain someone took the stage and started to hold his own closing speech, at a party he didn't arrange himself, and spent the better time of two days badmouthing. b) Too literal. By "friends", I meant "demosceners".

And what does this have to do with "the US scene is struggling"?

Many, many things. Most of which going on behind the scenes (so to speak :), but broadly it goes something like this: please wake up.

Maybe I'm bringing out a bit of drama that was mostly forgotten, but, some people here are quick to judge others based on a few pouet posts.

That, and also (and I mean no offense by this, truly not): you do not have the complete picture. At all. The next time we're at a demoparty together, we'll have a beer and a chat about it. :)
added on the 2009-11-02 09:36:55 by gloom gloom
I personally don't believe that he traveled across the entire country to NVScene out of spite, but, it'd probably be better if you two chatted offsite. Maybe you'll be invited to speak at Blockparty 2010? :)
added on the 2009-11-02 14:09:45 by phoenix phoenix
added on the 2009-11-02 15:20:52 by el mal el mal
you kinda raped the thread maali!
added on the 2009-11-02 17:55:06 by superplek superplek
fine! cos i like both scenes to go well together!
added on the 2009-11-02 17:59:20 by el mal el mal
rapists and demosceners? me too :)
added on the 2009-11-02 18:50:11 by superplek superplek
re-NV: there are numerous ways to see the events. It could have been some party organized to show Americans how to do it cuz they just can't get it right, which ended-up hijacked (by some drunk or undrunk uncle)... or it could have been the "hey let's party! -yeah! let's party!"

I'd like to belive it's the latter but it's more likely a mixture of both.. helped with some incredible amount of misunderstanding.

but anyway, the event wasn't totally ruined, and it's old story.
I'm with Maali on that: i like both scenes to go well together!
added on the 2009-11-02 20:36:22 by BarZoule BarZoule
hollow: thank you so very much :)

RAPE DESIGN, oh man..
added on the 2009-11-02 20:41:17 by superplek superplek
added on the 2009-11-02 21:14:34 by el mal el mal
I enjoy a lot of the images and jokes in this thread, but I can't stand here and watch someone get gut-punched repeatedly. There are two sides to every story. There are elements to Jason's side that he is choosing to keep private, so please don't judge too harshly.

He contributed several thousand dollars of his own money to each individual Block Party, flying people in, putting up prizes, etc. His efforts have almost singlehandedly re-energized the NA scene as an NA scene and not as NA guys going to euro parties. (Yes, we're doing it wrong, we may always do it wrong, but at least we are doing it.) Unlike most parties, which at least make some if not all of their money back, Block Party was never intended to make money back, and hasn't. And I'm pretty sure he's ok with that.

No, his fundraising is not "asking for demoscene social security" nor is it asking for "block party money back". He is trying something new, trying to jumpstart a new career out of sheer hard work (and by "new career" I mean literally a new type of career as a digital historian). If he raises it, great, he gets to try. If he doesn't, then it's back to work as a sysadmin. Either way, you don't have to donate if you don't want to.

As for the enemies he made, well, this is the scene. Everyone has an opinion and lets everyone else know about it. People are awesome, people are hidden behind the scenes, people are flaming jerks -- just like most scenes, just like internet, just like life. Yes, parts of NVScene were incredibly uncomfortable. But he did bring a keg of beer and a place for us to sit in air conditioning and booze and talk without having to scream over bar noise.

So that's my take on the whole thing.

Now go make a demo about it.
added on the 2009-11-03 04:47:50 by trixter trixter
i remember that i like jason scott, i also appreciate his work. however, as an entrepreneur i'm a bit puzzled by the fact that he asks people for money in this manner. for me the normal procedure is to fund the project partially your self and when you have a substantial prototype you start raising money by demonstrating the prototype to potentional investors.

that's just me. if i was in a position where i had any money left, i'd glady contribute to jason's project.

have fun!
you spent your dough on horse meat? ;)
added on the 2009-11-03 12:31:19 by superplek superplek
$26,020 pledged of $25,000 goal
and still 4 days to go
added on the 2009-11-17 15:52:01 by Tomoya Tomoya
no thanks to the demoscene.
hope some folks in here feel proud of themselfs on that accomplishment!
added on the 2009-11-17 16:58:21 by psenough psenough
BB Image
added on the 2009-11-17 17:02:46 by okkie okkie
ps: GODMILJAAR, ksla op u muil ja

doe ff normaal.
added on the 2009-11-17 18:38:33 by superplek superplek
Personally, I would sponsor a worthy scener to do archival work for purely demoscene stuff, no doubt about it, I think it's an incredibly worthy cause.

I don't feel so strongly about BBS stuff though, but each to their own.

It'd be cool to pay someone full time to rewrite Pouet also, but now that's a lofty idea. (Pouet with music / art / moderation, omgz...!).

In regards to Jason Scott - well, I don't know the guy but I've dealt with Trixter in the past and I always trust his judgement (if anything, look at how considerate and thorough he is with Mindcandy encoding) - so if Jason Scott is the type of person to get people going to Block Party and supporting /any/ demoscene, regardless of location, then he's cool with me. I wouldn't chuck my money into his fund, but I don't think it's fair for people to get all arsey about it because other people happen to.
added on the 2009-11-17 21:35:16 by rc55 rc55
Why does Pouet need a rewrite?
added on the 2009-11-19 10:42:23 by nf nf
i would rewrite pouet.net for $25,000
i'll do it for $23,000. and better.
added on the 2009-11-19 13:09:15 by skrebbel skrebbel
