the pretty girls
category: general [glöplog]
Dear Dr. Phil.
My knees are weakening when I see them!! It's horrible. I'm losing my cool. Why?
My knees are weakening when I see them!! It's horrible. I'm losing my cool. Why?
err dunno... but drink more and try again usually solves the problem.. :)
drug them!
This phenomenon happens exclusively when I'm at the university.

Damn it. I was just out from the lab to confirm a meeting, and who happens to be the person I see? ARGH. Wobbly wobbly.
Where is Dr.Optimus?
Dominei: i really hope this isn't the person that you ranted about yesterday ;)
he dates nurses anyway, they can help him recover :)

i'd go for this one though:
hm ..
hm ..
no comment!
Kusma: Hmmm..probably. There are two actually. But the problem is: I usually keep my style. I don't go wobbly wobbly :D
Maali: Only one nurse. But she's back and we're going out today for I guess we'll see exactly HOW back.
Okkie: Your pics....Did you btw read the comment that my music was "okkie-esque" ?? :P
Maali: Only one nurse. But she's back and we're going out today for I guess we'll see exactly HOW back.
Okkie: Your pics....Did you btw read the comment that my music was "okkie-esque" ?? :P
Regard it as a compliment. :)
seeing that means "supergay disco with porn samples spliced in", maybe not ;)
'okkie-esque' is shady territory indeed... i guess it's good (at least.. i think it's good :))
Thumbs up for NHP / Anarchy 's Fantazy world :D
re: girl costume pictures...
Dude I think they're 13.
Dude I think they're 13.
Patrick: If okkie took the pics, no doubt :)
In my last relationship me and my girl used to play "the tiger game" where she would pretend to be a police woman trying to capture a tiger (me) who escaped from the zoo.
I'd growl and crawl round the floor and stuff with my little home made tail and ears and she'd try to capture me without me mauling her. It was the best fun we ever had even though there was no sex involved.
I started seeing someone new last month and I suggested this to her. We gave it a go, but she wasn't really into it and said it was stupid and weird.
How can I get her to play and actually enjoy it? Or do I need to find a more fun girl?
I got this idea that my new girlfriend needed time to get to know me as the tiger. I figured once she got to know me in my role, she would feel more comfortable playing around. So I decided to wear my tiger ears, makeup and tail when we ate dinner and show her the romantic side.
It didn't go so well. We had a candlelit dinner at my house and I went to a lot of effort and she wouldn't even give the tiger a chance! She told me she wasn't into weird games and she left!
I phoned her and told her we can forget about the tiger game altogether, but she said we're through.
Now I'm very sad. I want my exgirlfriend back (she loved the tiger game), but I know there is NO WAY she'll ever forgive me for what happened (I asked her to dress up as my best friend's mum).
I've lost everything!
I'd growl and crawl round the floor and stuff with my little home made tail and ears and she'd try to capture me without me mauling her. It was the best fun we ever had even though there was no sex involved.
I started seeing someone new last month and I suggested this to her. We gave it a go, but she wasn't really into it and said it was stupid and weird.
How can I get her to play and actually enjoy it? Or do I need to find a more fun girl?
I got this idea that my new girlfriend needed time to get to know me as the tiger. I figured once she got to know me in my role, she would feel more comfortable playing around. So I decided to wear my tiger ears, makeup and tail when we ate dinner and show her the romantic side.
It didn't go so well. We had a candlelit dinner at my house and I went to a lot of effort and she wouldn't even give the tiger a chance! She told me she wasn't into weird games and she left!
I phoned her and told her we can forget about the tiger game altogether, but she said we're through.
Now I'm very sad. I want my exgirlfriend back (she loved the tiger game), but I know there is NO WAY she'll ever forgive me for what happened (I asked her to dress up as my best friend's mum).
I've lost everything!
lol lol lol..Naivism at its best.
haha.. :)
sunglasses to cover your eyes.. then peek at them.. looking isn't bad is it? ;p
might be, if you got your tung stuck out like that though.
might be, if you got your tung stuck out like that though.