Windows 7 book from MS Press - (free download - german version)
category: general [glöplog]
If you are interested in Windows 7, you can download until 31.10.2009 the FULL german VERSION of the book "Windows 7 auf einen Blick" from MS-Press for free! (i am not sure if there is a english version for free too)
Download Full Version: (350 pages @ 29 MB)
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Download Full Version: (350 pages @ 29 MB)
Free german preview:
MrVain, I remember you from the Amigaaa dayzzZz. How low can you go to post a fucking Windows manual on pouet. seriously, maaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Maybe just because some ppl may love Win7 (like me) and due fact the book is free, it would be interested to read about some technical news / features (to code some apps)
i don't know what to say. surely that's true but pouet ain't geek haven, or is it ? ;)
if english version surfaces, please do be a gentleman and expose it to us?
The sample chapter explains with detailed pictures how to print a document. With screenshots showing how the print dialog works.
For those who can not read german - the screenshot above says "Easy to understand / Fully in color / Explained using pictures".
"Technical news / features (to code some apps)" my ASS :)
So: WTF, seriously.
For those who can not read german - the screenshot above says "Easy to understand / Fully in color / Explained using pictures".
"Technical news / features (to code some apps)" my ASS :)
So: WTF, seriously.
Also, makes you wonder why you gotta pay for the english version:ücher&cnt=product&id=mp-2666&lng=1ücher&cnt=product&id=mp-2666&lng=1
next post: get a free "computerbild" here
Now call me Captian Obvious, but you simply might want to check this out if you want to code for Windows 7
Does MrVainSCL work for Microsoft?
Also, Windows 7 is decent and much better than Vista.
I'm still switching to Apple at the end of the year.
Also, Windows 7 is decent and much better than Vista.
I'm still switching to Apple at the end of the year.
okkie: Are you gay?
ah cool, the GERMAN version
can you also download Windows 7 ?
Zplex: whatever I am, I'm not French \o/
SPEED OMA: everybody speaks German, you know that! <insert Godwin reference here>
Ich habe Windows Sieben und ich habe angst gehaben.
Well, whatever i am, i am definately not german.
Well, whatever i am, i am definately not german.
And you can't spell 'definitely' correctly either :D
Well, i am not english either, and thank God for that :) to the rescue!
They just want to collect email addresses.
avseq01: I hear that the German versions of manuals are vastly superior to those in any other language too
may i correct you:
Loving an operating system is like loving an apple. After you eat it there's no more apple.