What's the story behind the Farbraush PS3 demo?
category: general [glöplog]
ryg: Brilliant! ;)
Does Sony keep in touch with you about how many times it's been downloaded?
Does Sony keep in touch with you about how many times it's been downloaded?
hehe, a classic:
fski wrote:
Slightly off topic, also just what the hell is Detuned?
it's a demoscene like Linger In Shodows. but i think this one is more music based,more like a trippy music visualiser
They didn't even gave rob a copy of the game?
That would be quite hard to do because you have to install it from the ps3 shop. Also, it only costs E 2,99 :)
a voucher would work :D
yes, moar demoscenes!
Gargaj: I am quite sure that would be appreciated :)
or two beers (same price)
Or the beers even moreso! ;)

Pop Quiz:
How does the lead programmer of an official sony first party production find out that the product has shipped and is available in the online shop?
a) As part of the official distribution process.
b) A private email from the producer, congratulating for the success.
c) By polling pouet.
How does the lead programmer of an official sony first party production find out that the product has shipped and is available in the online shop?
a) As part of the official distribution process.
b) A private email from the producer, congratulating for the success.
c) By polling pouet.
Going by Sonys relatively retarded fiasco, I'd say "c" :P
lemme guess : c) ? :) (if you are lucky, a))
(still visiting 3ZW, Dierk? Let's have a beer next thursday!)
(still visiting 3ZW, Dierk? Let's have a beer next thursday!)
So chaos, any easter eggs?
i think his eggs are probably fine the way it is
Chaos: he he - easy - c). The same happened with us. Behold! pouet is the fastest and most precise source of information :D
It'd be nice to know what made sony suddenly take even a passing interest in the demoscene...
at least, it runs at 60fps :)
hmm.. make that "sometimes"... as soon as the motion blur sets in, it goes down to 30 or below.. too bad...
bartman, should be 30 all the time actually.
well it definately slows down here when some of the 'modes' are all pumped up together, probably the one with motion blur cant remember its name though :) But mostly runs silky smooth :)
to be brutaly honest i dont see myself loading it up again apart from to watch the "demo" mode, which i'm still glad for ofcourse being a demo lover, but as far as re'play' goes the warping music thing doesent really appeal, but thats also probably because i do my own 'warping' as a musician anyway, so how it appeals to the general public is yet to be seen..
all said and done though i really hope it sells well for you guys and bodes well for yet more future demoscene colaberations on the ps3 :)
all said and done though i really hope it sells well for you guys and bodes well for yet more future demoscene colaberations on the ps3 :)