Status report: Pinball Dreams for C=64 ?
category: general [glöplog]
Hi fans,
today I want to ask you for a status report for your (and mine, too) favourite C=64 conversion from 21st century:
Pinball Dreams
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Image: Pinball Dreaming: Pinball Dreams (for iPhone only)
... It's a long time ago, since I've heard some new news, updates or even newer download preview versions from pinball dreams.
today I want to ask you for a status report for your (and mine, too) favourite C=64 conversion from 21st century:
Pinball Dreams
![BB Image](
Image: Pinball Dreaming: Pinball Dreams (for iPhone only)
... It's a long time ago, since I've heard some new news, updates or even newer download preview versions from pinball dreams.
Forget it! WVL is coding a (killer!) demo instead :)
I have Pinball Fantasies on my iPhone and it fucking owns!
@okkie, no one cares about your apple-shit, sorry.
@c64zealot, nobody cares about your commodore-shit, sorry.
@Rowlery Birkin, this very topic contradicts the above, sorry.
@c64zealot, nobody cares about your commodore-shit, sorry.
@Rowlery Birkin, nobody cares about your Rowlery Birkin-shit, sorry.
ah I get it know, its abscess in undercover! :)
cryer: might be so son, but I get to play Pinball Fantasies on my Apple-shit, and you can't on your c64! Booyah!!
Nice start ->
forget it, its not going to happen. if you want to play Pinball an Amiga. You c64 guys should have done that years ago already!
@rtype, nobody cares about your Amiga-shit, sorry.
Did Strider/FLT have any role in the cracking and spreading of Pinball Dreams for the AMMIIIIIIIGAAAAAA?
Did vesuri/dA JoRMaS have any role in the making and spreading of Pinball Dreams for the IPPHHHONNEEEE?
relax, people. chill.
he wrote it afaik.
he wrote it afaik.
oh, i loved this game back in the amiga-days. i remember my highscore on nightmare was 199mio.
pinball fantasies was even greater. is there a port which runs under vista64 ? i desperately need to play pinball fantasies. right now ! ;)
otherwise i need try UAE...
pinball fantasies was even greater. is there a port which runs under vista64 ? i desperately need to play pinball fantasies. right now ! ;)
otherwise i need try UAE...
Get it for your iPhone! It's pretty awesome!
the iPhoney rules!!!
nah, i'm not going to buy an overpriced iphone just to play pinball fantasies ;) if i'd had an iphone anyway, i'd sure get it, tho ;)
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People that hate on the iPhone are just jealous they can't afford one!
@okkie. Muhahaaa, you wish... on this logic you couldn't afford a C64?! Just get to know some people don't want to get fucked by an overpaid, closed platform.
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lol. you're poor! ^_^