Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

@bartman the ensemble part of the netflix contest. Unfortunately no way to search for videos.

Dear netflix, please suggest some movies similar to these. thanks.
A Couple Off The Top Of My Head

Wargames - The Dead Code:


Wargames - The Dead Code:

it's also odd than when people talk about things here they seem to happen in RL. such as war games: the dead code was on today on local television.
the amiga-ball-bandana was intended btw ;)
should have said:
"turn on amiga, play some demos ?" first...wasnt mainstream enough tho :P
should have said:
"turn on amiga, play some demos ?" first...wasnt mainstream enough tho :P

Chris Cunningam's Rubber Johny.

neon eye:

Excellent SF movie with a leet computer.

Excellent SF movie with a leet computer.
Krabob: I saw that movie when I was a child (7 or 8 years old) and found it simply awesome! One of my favourites forever! :)

How to organise a party ;)