
MetalVotze ruled the Breakpoint...

category: general [glöplog]


So now he surely can't show this forum to his freinds anymore, bwahahaha...

Ohhh, broken penis, hahaha
Penisbruch tut weh!
added on the 2004-04-16 12:29:12 by kb_ kb_
I think the demo was original and funny. It is probably because everyone at MS and BP knows Metalvotze and though they would NEVER do anything on such an inferior Platform as the PC is... So everyone was quite surprised. And the demo quite well made (though not technically astonishing). Me likes!
added on the 2004-04-16 12:30:55 by raer raer
oh. scheiss wortvergesser...
added on the 2004-04-16 12:31:58 by raer raer
coming soon the additional package with "t" + "was" ;-)
added on the 2004-04-16 12:36:07 by raer raer
just for the right mind, the "technical" part was actually done by toxie and nitro...
added on the 2004-04-16 12:37:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
So two more guys to hate, eh? ;-)
:O o=B

Jetzt darf er's gar keinem mehr zeigen ;D

The winnerdemo is one of the funniest (<- richtig? ;) demos i've ever seen. It really kicked ass. And i think the 64kb intro compo is the place to show "high tech" (+fun too) ... whatever ;D
added on the 2004-04-16 12:40:56 by las las
gargaj: the engine was done by toxie, the realtime demo-editor was my part, that's right so far. But the 3d scene of the c64 inside was also done by metalvotze mostly, although i worked on it too...
And for those who say that it's technically lame: That scene only has about 300.000 Polys, we originally wanted to keep the PCB as polys as well, but hey, not everybody has a 3ghz machine@home, so we reduced that. Btw: The pcb and all the items on it are 100% identical to a real c64, so anyone who says that we didn't invest time in this demo should try the same, it's a real pain in the ass i can tell....
added on the 2004-04-16 12:50:11 by nitro2 nitro2
faker: i don't hate anyone, hell i even grinned on your demo when i saw it first (thank god for the german lessons at home...) my point is that IMHO there were better demos in that compo.

nitro: i never doubted the technical complexity of the 3d scenes, but there weren't that many of them... (sidenote: the outside-c64-scene has the weirdest looking c64 i ever saw... maybe i have 2 non-standard models at home :))
added on the 2004-04-16 12:59:46 by Gargaj Gargaj
Adrenaline was a huge impressive work. Metalvotze was more entertaining than anything.
added on the 2004-04-16 13:03:45 by Optimus Optimus
I think the demo was okay but definately not worth first place. It's not really fair in some way, I wonder what ATI'll think when they see what they lost a FireGL to and what they sponsored..
added on the 2004-04-16 13:09:18 by ravity ravity
ok, talking about simple...
i know a little of the work behind it and at least the music as well as the c64 interior scene were lotsa work.
and for the firegl and the pricemoney: well, i'm sure nitro is _very_ happy to have a brandnew firegl... and he has a pc to put it in, so there's nothing ATi has "lost"
BPs atmosphere has changed me a lot (as long as the previous demoparties and my life here in Germany). At older times I was hating the demoscene, now I feel like being a part of it. Negative feelings have gone away and I am flying these days.

So,. the last thing I cared about, is if the one who deserved it or not, won the compos. And I do personally find the irony positive, that a non serious group could beat all those serious(ly boring) demos at the compo. Yes, there were some nice things, but seen before and didn't left me much impression, so I simply can't remember them. The only demo that made my day was the ASM04 invitation and I voted it 1st because I was pissed that no other demo left me an impression. I also didn't voted for Metalvotze because I thought it's just a joke demo that didn't deserved it (However,. now I think that I was wrong and I should at least vote for it too :).

I see people worrying about the results and saying that the scene is dead or anything, while I am changing and at least these days I don't even care about the compos. I stopped taking seriously the scene. I never took serious the compos anyways, if an entry deserves the effort, it will be more beloved to the sceners (State of Mind is more known than Moai for sure). I would care more if I released a good demo (if this ever happens) rather than the place..
added on the 2004-04-16 13:18:21 by Optimus Optimus
Optimus, you should take less drugs ;)
Flying is always a sign of drug abuse
@gargaj: hope you noticed also my smileys ;-)
warum sind amis nur so scheiß prüde...
warum sind amis nur so scheiß patriotisch...
warum sind amis nur so scheiß.. (to be continued)
added on the 2004-04-16 17:57:13 by v3nom v3nom
it's sad how jealous people can be
added on the 2004-04-16 18:52:06 by _scar_ _scar_
haha optimus flys. great. come to more demopartys then. ~_!!
added on the 2004-04-16 19:11:11 by elend elend
"i am flying now!" should be a new scene catchphrase. :)
added on the 2004-04-16 19:23:40 by phoenix phoenix
that doesn't seem catchy at all
added on the 2004-04-18 00:47:30 by dalezr dalezr
we have catchphrases which can beat your catchphrases.
added on the 2004-04-18 00:57:09 by dipswitch dipswitch
In Soviet Russia the catchphrases beat you!
